Sobchak Security

lol No one ever said it wasn’t there Holmes.

So then we’ll just raise taxes on the rich to make up the difference. Gotta come from somewhere.

Not as outrageous as saying that the DOJ should pursue charges against Comey.

You’ll need another World War for that one.

lol So the US is bankrupt, has laid everyone off and no longer employs any Americans? Really? That’s what you’re saying? Wow. I had no idea.

Private companies, even if many of them fail, actually generate the wealth that the government needs to confiscate by force in order to operate.


Raising taxes on the wealthy means voting the GOP the fuck out of office. That’s kind of implied.


The city of Detroit went bankrupt, laid off every single person and no longer employs anyone? Really?

The wealthiest Americans were paying a top tier rate of 91% in the 50s and 60s and now they’re paying less than 45%. It has less to do with mismanagement and more to do with generating revenue.

Of course they have limited revenue potential; there’s a limited amount of resources.

lol, True. But the Confederacy didn’t fail solely because of economics. There were a few other reasons.

lol Calm down Sunshine. No one is calling a machine racist. However, the people who appropriated a word that originated in reference to Hispanic/Latin convenience stores are kinda racist.

Excellent! Here’s mine, not sure if I did it right though.

Oh, I’m sure they’ll do fine. For fancy vending machines. But I’m not letting that stand in between me and a half-decent joke.

You can have Colorado, Utah and Montana so long as we get visitation privledges to Denver and share joint custody of the National Parks.

As the official spokesperson for white poeple, I am willing to part with Florida, The New England Patriots and all the macaroni and cheese and artisan coffee shops west of the Mississippi.

lol I see what you did there.