Sobchak Security


Really authentic feel.

And Japanese people. They know a thing or two about vending machines.

Fair point. But I guarantee that happens at a much lower rate than 90%. And for the most part, people still need to fill the positions in a bankrupt municipal government. Just think of that as more opportunity for the job creators!

You got me. Sorry about that everyone. My bad.

In America?

Never going to catch on. For several reasons.

Democrats, attack!

Probably because of Obama. Thanks Obama.

No. He responded again telling me I’m the reason people are racist. He’s a troll I dismiss pretty frequently.

If the wealthy really want to be empowered as our “job creators” *insert pantomime jerk off gif here* then they would embrace higher taxes.

I’m perfectly calm.

lol Check out this douchecanoe. #NotAllNaziSympathizers

lol Check out this douchecanoe. #NotAllNaziSympathizers

NP. I made plenty.

“there are more countries than just Mexico south of the border there bud. Not sure if you’re aware” is what I said. Learn how to fucking read. I didn’t say “there are more countries than just Mexico ON our southern border there bud.” Fucking Christ you just are some special kind of stupid, aren’t you?

What the fuck just happened? Did you just have a stroke? That was dumb even by your standards.

Good. Its a donor state. They should be able to tell ICE Nazis to fuck off.