Sobchak Security

LA Gears.

I mean, the American Christian right (at least), worships money above all else and that’s pretty like, top notch anti-Jesus stuff.

The mentality I’ve seen supporting this idiot is “Those who erase history are doomed to repeat it...”

I’d say that Trump is just releasing spores of fascist nonsense that is infecting the mainstream Republicans holding the line, but this is clearly just a slip up of what Pence actually thinks. I think it’s probably easy to think this way when your peer group and work environment is exclusively white men or those who

Holy shit, the confederacy rebelled against our nation because they wanted to continue to own people. Their statues are monuments to men who were so dedicated to the right to own people that they rebelled against their government*. That’s not a heritage to celebrate.

If there’s one thing I learned in ‘Nam...

Serious. That’s a special kind of ignorant doubletalk.

Someone brought this up in a liberal group I’m in and I hadn’t yet thought about that. I don’t use Christianity in arguments because I am not a Christian so while I can accuse someone of hypocrisy, I have no feet to stand on in an argument about who’s a bad Christian. But it’s a really important point. I mean, the

“...just in the name of some contemporary political cause.” You mean racism, you fucking idiot.

Is it a hot take to say that erecting statues and memorials that suggest the Confederate cause was about a vague “southern way of life” and a philosophical difference over state’s rights do more to “erase history” than taking them down ever would?

Predict that this biting satire will whoosh over the heads of a few readers.

Impeachment #2.

It kind of sounds like you’re saying that whitewashing movies makes them better.

Death Note is not whitewashing, it is an adaptation. There is a massive difference and it is damaging to the credibility of those fighting the good fight to be claiming it is whitewashing. This casting choice IS whitewashing and is bullshit. Death Note, just like the producer Roy Lee’s The Ring remake, is an

Whitewashing will continue as long as people are prejudiced. Major movie studios are only interested in making money. Art and integrity are far down the list in their priorities. Don’t blame the studios for this, they are purely amoral tools.

But he is highly educated. He knows words. He has the best words.

As someone who’s taught English at the college level for the last twelve years, Trump’s speech pattern both makes me cringe—and is absolutely critical in understanding his appeal to his base.

Make no mistake: Trump is a barely-literate braggart who covers

I don’t think he’s dumb. I DO however believe he’s morally bankrupt.

Mike Pence is legitimately stupid, right? Like, he learned how to put words in the right order to make ostensibly coherent thoughts, which puts him above his boss, but beyond that low bar, he is just irredeemably dumb.

To keep you talking about it and eventually, you will hear something or see something that finally strikes a chord and changes how you personally approach these issues. It took the loss of Heather Heyer’s life to do it for her mother. It took listening to their teammates and trying to understand for these white

say it to my face