Sobchak Security

Just like the white supremacists claiming that this is a reaction to Obama. This is the reaction you get from the over the top right wing loons that ran NC government.

This is some bring a tear to your eye solidarity.

I know! I love it that Trump, Bannon and all these assholes had such big mouths and seemed like such a united front before, but at the first sign of trouble, they scurry away like rats exposed to daylight. Suddenly, no-one’s responsible except maybe Jewish folks pretending to be white supremacists. (which hello,

Cut to Fox News saying these people are supporting criminals and are a perfect example of why the “dangerous” alt-left are really the ones to blame here, in 3.........2.........1.........

I have lately found that to only be true to an extent. You’re right that they don’t care on the internet or when surrounded by a ring of like-minded Trumpanzees, howling into the echo chamber. But they still have to operate in the “real world”, and there they can be isolated and shamed. I didn’t change this dude’s

What are these “books” you speak of? They sound intriguing. Are they, like, some sort of super-mega-tweetstorm?

There is a strange poetry to the sight of fascists assembling to intimidate the powerless juxtaposed with these activists assembling against intimidating authority.

There’s that expression “what you don’t know could fill a book.” And that’s certainly true of everyone, but with trump, every book is filled with what he doesn’t know, because he’s a fucking moron that can’t read.

It amuses me to no end that there’s this TikiNazi scum out there who’s balls are shrinking at the mere thought of being arrested and on the other end of the spectrum we’ve got these activists who are like “ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Oh well, Better arrest us all then! We’ll make it a party!”

I am Spartacus....

The nice thing about garbage arguments is how easy they are to deconstruct.

That’s true, but there are still monuments to the war dead.

I had a similar “discussion” with a shitgoblin acquaintance yesterday. He was whining about the statues and history (which confirms for me that he and his ilk don’t even analyze what they’re being fed; he repeated word for word Sean Hannity’s talking points, then closed with an accusation of “sheeple”) and I called

Where can we put the statue of Osama Bin Laden? Think you can convince Merkel to rebuild that wall while you have her on the phone? Walls are great.

Hey, any publicity is good publicity to the Russian Nazi n Chief.

Trump has the attention span of a gnat. Books are of no interest to him.

Judging from the events in this country over the last few years, it’s apparent we can’t learn from history.

Maybe. Mrs. Godzooks is along those lines, too. She thinks this has been a long term plan. I think he bumble fucked his way into being POTUS, and just keeps fucking the goat. I just don’t think he’s smart enough to have conceived all of this, nor clever enough to pull it off. I see him as this massive tool who

He’s aware of them, he’s just highly adverse to them. It’s known that the only way to get him to read *anything* is to pepper his name throughout whatever it is you are trying to get him to read.

You left out Charlie Manson! Stop erasing our heritage! That’s ethnic cleansing! White genocide!

“Doesn’t he realize...” Nope. You can stop there.