Sobchak Security

No, Donnie, these men are cowards.

I wonder what memoribilia the grandma on the other side of town who can remember her grandparents were slaves keeps. Maybe a bill of sale? Ooh maybe she shakes some leg irons while singing “Look Away Dixieland”?

The cognitive dissonance in this post is amazing. You should be proud that out of everything this weekend, yours is the dumbest thing I have read. “Grandma just wanted to preserve the memories” is a piss poor way to explain away 150 years of Jim Crow.

Although at this point, fun might actually be an ancillary benefit of nailing his orange ass.

Within that base, because he didn’t praise them enough.

I think a few even added the diaper and gunt to complete the look

This is what amazes me the most, as a German I just cannot understand the support for something that costs thousands of US soldiers their live. This should be the argument thrown at any Rep that does not denounce this shit

They were going to go with blue shirts as their uniform of choice except everyone was asking them if this VCR was on sale.

I’d vote for that ban any day of the week, though.

This. These views have the end result of genocide, full stop. They cannot be allowed to feel emboldened in America. They are essentially treasonous, terrorist views as they seek to both invalidate the Constitution and result in the murder of innocent American civilians. The world decided that nah, fuck these views,

I’d vote for a ban on Twitter tomorrow if it meant assholes like this lost thier fan base.

As you alluded to previously, a part of the tragedy of our current political atmosphere is that it took calling out Nazi’s and Klansmen for Trump to lose the support of his rabid base. But we’re on the precipice of living in Mad Max times, so we’ll take what we can get.

Hate to be the one to break it to you, but Nazis are only not scary to people who won’t be the target of Nazis. Everybody else? We’re pretty scared of Nazis!

Someone run down to CVS! We need more sharpies to color in our shields! And don’t forget to lay down the newspaper before you start. My mom will kill me if draw on her rug again.

Man, if it wasn’t for the guns, this would be the least intimidating group of people ever.

White trash McLovin doesn’t seem to bright does he? lol.

The Breitards are melting down and infighting more today than I’ve ever seen before.


Two scoops bitch, this time with feeling.