Sobchak Security

Also, a friend informs me the site’s called…

Yeah why does everyone forget it’s still upside down time? I actually reveled in the sad faces these statements would likely cause, but I’m sure the nazis are just saying, BLUHGHHH THE LIBRULS FORCED HIM HES STILL A BRAH

Jack Kirby said it best.

After her extensive “modelling” career, I’m surprised the clothes didn’t start flying the moment she heard the camera case open…

Jesus. I didn’t know I was capable of laughing today, but you did it. Thank you!

He also floated the idea of pardoning Joe Arpaio just after these comments. He’s signalling as clearly as possible that he is still willing to go to bat for Nazis and white supremacists.

I, too, hope things return to normal, hidden racism.

This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.

I’m surmising that in early September the roof is coming in on this guy. The Manafort warrant, the Mitch McConnell shit talking, the heel walking tough talk on racism....the Republicans are internally processing that they are ready to impeach this asshole and are politely waiting for Mueller to pull it all together in

What a lovely shade. Yellowbelly.

Something something shooting his mom’s face something something just skeeved myself out

The image I’m reposting from this is the shot of the “boxing tape” on the fists. Currently, the right seems determined to sell the idea that The Nazis/KKK were just there to protest, and were provoked. So, yeah, one normally tapes their fists on a day when they weren’t planning on fighting.

Doesn’t change my opinion of Trump one iota- he’s still a demented shit of a person. However, if it pisses off the folks at Breitbart......I’ll take it.

A bit of context first- individuals who refuse to give their names (THEIR choice) and are referred to as “senior White House officials” have continually pushed the narrative that the violence was caused by both sides. We’ve seen a drum beat of references to the ‘violent far left’ and just today we had FOX News trying

“me, me, me, me”

This is exactly why he did it. Not because he wanted to, but because he had to. He was perfectly content to not say another word on the matter but when even Fox News this morning had problems side-stepping the issue, he was pretty much forced to say something. It will probably cost him a chunk of his following from

Oddly he referred to himself as “a candidate” at one point, too, for some reason.

Ew. Also, it’s Brazzers.

Meaningless words he was forced to say through (metaphorically) gritted teeth.