Sobchak Security

In regards to that last statement you have got to be kidding. Not trying to insult you but Fox & Friends reaction to this today should pretty much tell you that these mother fuckers have no concept of the words shame, reflection or dignity. The persecution complex among conservatives & white men is real. These people

A lot of people, whether they really believed it or not, were saying during the election “Oh, he’s just playing this up for votes. He’s not REALLY like this and he’ll tone it down once he takes office.”

capitalism isn’t inherently racist, capitalism inherently benefits 2 groups:

Right, I was speaking historically. I could trade you a gold coin for some good or service, and the value of the coin would be based on its composition, rather than whether a particular government backed it or not. MMT is concerned with the value of national currency, such as the dollar or pound. Since a dollar is

Wonder my foot into your ass you fucking douchebag.

I had mentioned to someone during the campaign that Trump’s overt racism and psychopathy were features, not bugs.

And now cue all the #notallrepublican assholes...

Why don’t you explain why that is racist instead of just throwing out some nonsense?

[reads each word of the post]

This stood out to me as reported by CNN on the white supremacist who killed in Charlottesville.


It is the most meaningful and straightforward way to measure our racial progress.

The thing that GOP leaders are most pissed at Trump over is that he’s taken their policy of “Don’t be overtly racist/bigoted while we pursue ‘sound conservative policies’ that oppress minorities in countless legal, economic and social ways” and he’s openly broadcast that Republicans have no problem supporting groups


Your right to privacy (this isn’t a free speech issue, numbnuts) ends when you parade your idiocy in public.

And now cue all the #notallrepublican assholes...

Thats an optimistic take in my opinion, but here is to hoping you are right.

Yes. YES. If you voted for Trump for “economic” or “pro-life” reasons or some bullshit like that, you voted for racist policies, period. You don’t care what happens to people who are directly affected by racism, so you are supporting it.