Sobchak Security

I wish I had faith that any of these assholes would get uncomfortable. I wish they’d suffer some consequence for spending decades sowing fear and hatred of Muslims, blacks, Mexicans, LGBT, liberals... basically painting anybody who isn’t a white, straight, cisgendered conservative as an enemy of the state.


“You can turn pocket lint into towels...”

The fact that right wing media equates BLM and white supremacists is really fucking telling. One side dealt with slavery, Jim Crow, and general hatred. The other side is mad at non white people for existing or being in their country. How do you even mention the 2 groups in the same breath?

What? You’re expecting the Goebbels Channel to finally get its collective head out of its ass? Get real.

Right wing Fox-ites will cheat and take the mulligan every time.

I was reading through a thread on Mediaite this morning concerning Fox & Friends, and came upon this gem:

Things have gotten so bad in the last few weeks that Fox had been reduced from their normal position of saying everything Trump does is completely amazing and America is blessed to have him, to basically saying “OK, Trump may be a total fuck up and his followers are violent psychopaths...........but it’s not like the

Remember the bullshit about Abby Huntsman and her dad being reasonable Republicans? Soulless shills with no common decency.

If they didn’t find a way to blame it all on Hillary Clinton’s e-mails, then I am not impressed. Fox is just not trying anymore. It’s cute, by the way, that they can celebrate Pence for condemning neo-Nazis, while celebrating Donald for sharing the blame around. Those glorious little sycophants!

That’s because Fox News is a complicit party in creating this white supremacist persecution complex. They should be branded a hate group.

2018 is a make or break election year. If people still bitch and moan about the “perfect” candidate and/or don’t get off their asses to vote these fuckers out, THEN I’ll say we’re fucked

Oh, I wouldn’t hold my breath. The only reason he was elected was a response to having an African American hold the office for two (successful) terms, so if he says anything, he’ll take that support off like Rick took off Herschel’s leg. And he doesn’t really disagree with them, anyway.

He won’t condemn it because he knows that a large percentage of his support base sympathize with what the white supremacists are doing. By making ambiguous statements, he is sending a message that he will do the bare minimum to appease the “PC police”.

The Alt-Reich goosesteppers are the only simpletons still supporting our worthless racist president. (Go figure.) He won’t take a stand—it’ll be more mealy-mouth sniveling about “many sides” again. And he’ll piss ‘n’ moan about Obama too—pure clockwork with Trump—whine about Obama.

Well, definitely not in a local storage unit out on Hwy 61. Nope, not there.

I cut them up and eat them, like a normal psychopath. /s

I choose to store them in the old cistern in my basement like a normal person.

Dead body will be moved after 1 hour?