So Much Shame in My Game

You are so kind . . . thank you so much!!

She has a production company - that she used to direct a film herself. In other words, she made a female-directed movie through her own efforts. I’m never getting out of the greys on this issue, but I am really torn between Ms. McGowan’s legitimate criticisms of the industry, and her choice to pick a fight with

Can I PLEASE correct “criticism’s” to criticisms?  Even if I stay in the greys this will haunt me til I die.

I have been looking forward to the Jezebel take on this (especially the comments!) because I am so conflicted. In no way do I want to minimize Ms. McGowan’s anger or commitment, but at the same time, I kind of feel this is an odd fight to pick. I understand that Ms. Portman has, perhaps, in large part only paid lip

Feel that way about Reagan, Love?

I have the fondest freaking memories of coming home from school—before anyone else got home and before I committed to homework—and having a snack (usually canned ravioli) while watching Jeopardy by myself.  It was my favorite part of every day.

There have been so many (unsubstantiated) rumors about JT & JB’s marriage being a mutually beneficial arrangement (JT sheds “trousersnake” image, JB gets to raise baby with her GF), that while I get the feeling this was not completely innocent, it might also not be a betrayal (other than in the sense that they

I believe he is also alleged to have fathered January Jones’ son (while married)

If you believe the blinds, it was the spectre of Reese testifying that led him to settle.

Hey, girls, it’s perfectly acceptable that your academic and/or professional advancement is contingent upon your willingness to perform sex acts with the person(s) in control of said advancement.

When I was like twelve (ish), I went to change a tape in the VCR [yes, I am old]. While I was standing there waiting for the tape to start, I poked myself in the eye with my right hand. There was literally no reason for this to happen.  I just straight up stabbed myself in the eye while I was standing completely still.

I’m a 4[redacted]-year old, lost my virginity at 15, had lots of terrible sex along the way, married someone who loved sex way more than i did, got divorced, and then fell in love with someone who is as ambivalent about sex as I am. We both have our moments, but are content to please ourselves alone or in each others’

Yeah I never made that connection before, but now that it’s been pointed out it seems super-obvious.

That’s the thing!! The model of “once you graduate you can do nothing before you pay back your student loans” is just f&*$% ridiculous in the current environment. I’m glad you can manage it, but I can’t help but think our economy would be better off with you and your husband having disposable income rather that paying

THIS. I managed to pay off my college and law school loans in 10 years (after law school) because I graduated in the early aughts when there were jobs still to be had, and i grew up poor so the paycheck I was getting was more money than I’d ever seen so handing over a chunk of it to Sallie Mae didn’t bother me at all.

Man I was really hoping it would turn out to be a cover of “Easier” by Mansionair!

No ragrets?

I ABSOLUTELY hear you. My (public) high school had to let go of some beloved teachers because of across-the-board cuts, but then they were all quietly hired back because my school was a “good” school.

I’ve had enough to drink that I’m going to post about this, but I’m sure I’ll regret it . . .