So Much Shame in My Game

I was probably some sort of Mary Anne/Mallory combo, but wanted to be Stacey or Claudia. Several decades later, I’m . . . .maybe Janine?  Not in the smart way, but in the introverted, un-self aware way.

Oh, I hear you . . . I have no idea what the facts are.  My comment was solely about the legal strategy, in a vacuum.

Yeah, I can think of a thousand different reasons to make this move, even if atty fees are off the table. She’s a celebrity and of obvious wealth, making her a target for quick nuisance settlement. A countersuit for $1 shows 1) she’s not going to cave immediately, and will up the ante by imposing defensive discovery

In this context, I liken OK Computer to Nevermind - It was my first Radiohead album, and my favorite, but it was (back in the day) all the rage to claim that Kid A was Radiohead’s true masterpiece . . . here we are, two decades-ish later, and I can’t remember the last time I listened to Kid A, but I regularly go to Par

Neneh. Cherry. !!! I remember listening to Raw Like Sushi on cassette over and over until my stereo ate the tape, and then listening to Homebrew in college over and over (I have Red Paint in my head as I type this), and then . . . not really following her after that.  I had no idea she had three other albums.  Going

My heart is so happy that you are still here. I’ve lost a number of friends to H (and lord knows I’ve tempted that fate myself), and I am constantly reminded of how much better the world would be with them in it. My sleepy cats thank you, too.

Oh I agree 100% on all counts.

I am TRYING to give her the benefit of the doubt, and interpret her comments to mean not that we should just suck it up and forgive harassers, but rather there are certain misconceptions about what actually comprises harassment/inappropriate conduct that are so pervasive that people in our lives who we care about, who

This. My first reaction to this story was “there’s no way she didn’t sign a consent form.” He’s a complete jackhole, and he’s the one who’ll have to “answer to God,” if that’s what he believes, but you can’t sue someone for being a fuckwagon.

Depression is a lying, insidious bastard that exists solely to hurt you. I call it The Voice. The Voice tells me that my life doesn’t matter because I have no children, I’ve accomplished nothing, and I should just stop imposing my existence upon the world. I don’t know what The Voice said to Anthony Bourdain, or Kate

I haven’t read all of the pleadings, but I was wondering if maybe she could’ve argued efficient breach - i.e., she would be much more productive and create better output if she was working with someone else, so she should be allowed to do so and then pay whatever she is required to under the existing contract? She

I thought maybe Lackluster was an aptly-named co-performer. Mariah feat. Lackluster.