So Much Shame in My Game

Pssst- there’s 3 lil dots to the right of the star in your posts.  One of them is to edit.  You have 15 minutes to correct something before it is locked in.  

I lost my keys today. They were in the front door lock.

This position is just insufferable. Here’s someone trying to offer a good service for women - and along comes Jezebel to assume that it’s not up to Jezebel’s absolutist standards of intersectionality (in another country with a different population) - before it even opens.

Yay! thanks for posting this. I feel the same way. Thought it was just me...

Life is a rich pageant (apologies to R.E.M.) and sex is but one of the many things which can give us great pleasure. I also totally empathize with your statements about “trouble/worth” though I accept culpability for making poor choices in that regard, like 23 out of the 27 times. Good grief.

I feel like you got a double whammy of the literal physical exhaustion that comes from raising offspring AND a long-term partner along with the previous expenditure of emotional energy in your previous relationships.

I love your general take/approach and that is it so opposite the constructs with which we’ve become accustomed and which are a point of unnecessary pressure and poor attempts to define the complexities of sexuality.

I’m 44, and I developed at around age 10 and was sexually active by about 14 as well. I am also the single mother of 2 grown children and am a serial monogamist. I DO have pretty significant periomenopausal symptoms (it SUCKS). I also have a fantastic partner, who i’ve been with for close to 10 years. We’ve always had

My story is very similar to yours, though it took me less time to have my fill of men. I still feel like I’m still a fully sexual person and thoroughly enjoy my solo sexual experiences. I’m also open to the idea that there may be another phase of my life when I will want to partner with a man or woman.

You are not alone. I have found that almost all the relationships I’ve been in have been in more trouble than they’ve been worth, and the sex hasn’t been worth the grief from the rest of it. Not many regrets, but I’m done, and I’m not unhappy about that. I look around at the available men, and almost never see any

I mean, I do now.


Honestly, people complain that Taylor Swift doesn’t get political enough, then when she does get political, people complain because it’s insincere (??? honestly not sure what the complaint is). It’s all a very cynical way to live life. 

“We Need More Famous Musicians to be Allies and Use Their Influence to Create Positive Cultural Change.... No Taylor Swift, Not Like That.”

Okay, to start with one example, Summers tries to pretend “Dark Ages” is a reference to anti-gay bigots being secretly closeted. “Dark Ages” is an extremely well-known way of referring to regressive views.

Thanks - I’ll have it on your desk by Monday. Working title:

It’s also okay to point out when that critique is disingenuous and poorly argued.

Of course it’s okay to critique a song... but maybe if you’re gonna do it try to have a better argument than

Counterargument: Taylor Swift is fucking cool?

No ragrets?