Shoot, give me some too.
But hire Chris D’elia first so that we can watch him get fired THEN replaced by Notaro.
Seeing AJ mentioned in the husks of previous Gawker media sites is triggering.
What an odd scenario you’ve conjured and propped up in your head-canon.
What game?
Over/under the amount of Krieger references?
That’s the same way I feel about all these Zack/Zac/Zach’s running around.
Archer has reached a level of meta that blurs into reality.
What is life?
Guess we’re both on the “list” of targets now.
Zack Snyder stans and Amouranth haters are probably the same dozen idiots with their twitter bot armies praising one while shitting on the other.
Can we live in a reality where Gentle Barn has all the millions of dollars and undying/loyal to a fault fan base instead of…Logan Paul?
That lawyer character should’ve had his own spinoff.
Oh for sure, I understand film and tv rights being leased out to other streamers/networks but it always makes me laugh seeing titles rotate out of their own parent company to competitors.
Which is more difficult than it should be…
I need to find that copy as well. Why rewatch something with a visible flaw when there’s a clean/corrected version?