
It’s confusing seeing titles jump streamer apps from one to another. Sometimes HBO Max loses WB properties to Amazon Prime/YouTube Red/etc. The wild world of IP distribution rights even with all these mega companies consolidating their franchises under one umbrella. 

Now you’ve convinced me to do a binge watch of Singh’s works. The Cell and The Fall are stunning to this day. 

Are we officially “old person waving cane at the sky” when we see young kids wearing movie t-shirts they never seen (Poetic Justice, Pulp Fiction for examples) or posters of music acts/movies they never listen/watch?

Huh…I’m going to have to do a rewatch but just your mentioning of the opening narration kind of jarred my old memories loose.

Sometimes you can’t help but feel sorry for the general masses that miss out on these cult classic/hidden gems. 


LOOK HOW HAPPY HE IS! Finally, let Cavill have a role/involvement with an IP he truly loves and wants to create in!

It’s even sadder seeing the alt-right embracing the Homelander character as an actual hero to look up to! 

Sinister and sleazy/syrupy sticky jazz. Just slowly engulfs you. 

Isn’t there a dedicated Twin Peaks annual convention and/or guided tour? I need to do that!

They were meant to work together. It’s so hard to find two people seamlessly better together than apart. 

And the Double R Diner after the drunken swooning for some sobering pie and coffee. 

This is terrible news. Badalamenti and Lynch haunted my tv and film memories since the late 80s.


The boy ward of NightMan?


When all else fails, just present your newly “anti-woke, own the libs” teats for the alpha/Chad/conservative to suckle on.

The worst kind of drug where you’re held down and force fed the poison daily. 

For the toxic fan base that harassed and demanded such a trivial self-wank…complete and satisfying storytelling was never required.