Maybe he went full lucid and decided…fuck it. I’ll make a career off interviews about EVERYTHING Alex Jones dirt.
Maybe he went full lucid and decided…fuck it. I’ll make a career off interviews about EVERYTHING Alex Jones dirt.
I concur Doctor.
Sit on your own hand for thirty minutes and then just wander around.
Or…the lawyer IS that incompetent but after realizing his mistake, decided to take credit as his plan all along.
Yeah, that was my thoughts as well but wasn’t sure if that’s negligent enough for Jones lawyer to get in trouble/disbarred?
Would his lawyer be just sick enough of Jones bullshit that he purposely sent out damning phone evidence to the prosecution?
The harder you hug, more cash pours/squeezes out?
Genuinely happy for Kumail. Guy deserves his heightened recognition and fame.
A bastardized version of Matrix. No way DiscoBros will continue with the Wachowskis and most likely the original cast.
Your impression of a Elon/Tesla Stan is spot on.
Oh, god damn it…
I fear for Peacemaker…
What an absolute bummer scenario for WB/HBOMax.
Just have to thank you for your write up! Every bit of it was understandable and informative.
Chefs kiss to your comment. You summed up my feelings better than my vulgar post.
Universal rule of thumb:
Io9 writers must’ve hacked Kotaku.
There’s got to be a glitch or issue for this gun to be as bad as it is.
Would be interested in seeing their voting history or tweets/posts.