
I mean, losing theaters is common practice if the moviegoers aren’t showing up. Nothing premature about that.

Thank you for this.

If there was any justice, Aldrin would’ve been given five more minutes alone with that chud. 

Those aren’t Jean shorts are they?!

Amen to overtaking Avatar, but Endgame will only surpass Avatar domestically for second place behind The Force Awakens.

How so? Just because it didn’t make WW/Aqua-Brah money doesn’t mean it wasn’t successful. Huge positive reviews and nerd buzz, which is hard to do with the market exploding lately. Heck, MOS and BVS made more box office but were three to four times as expensive to make and were terrible quality wise.

How would Peyton be ruined if the guy isn’t/wasn’t an actually qualified GM?


I’m swooning from this comment

I’m getting peppered with repeating kinja jokes. Am I sounding salty?

Take your like, you stuck through with your commitment.

“A polar bear fell on me”

I love your comment but still giggled at Pope Shorts. 

You tell me how to toss a pig skin by yourself! 

Interstellar used the power of love for a macguffin. I enjoyed the movie immensely but jeez...

Fin Fang Foom and the Mole Men?!! Squeeeee

And being raised by an all male pirate fraternity really didn’t help his development lol.

Easy solution. Clint’s shitty brother shows up with a problem only Clint can solve. Middle act reveals the brother’s betrayal, potentially ending with a redemption sacrifice. They literally could utilize Clint saving the apartment building and it’s inhabitants (Hawkguy neighbor!). Also, perfect chance to introduce

I mean, there’s just so many dicks for the taking during the playoffs!

Like it tastes...