
WHOA! You dare besmirch Evolution??

Damn! You win the internets today.

Let me live in your time warped world where it’s before 2016. Please!

Which country’s people would utterly destroy this beautiful subway the fastest? Brits versus Yanks?

First of all, good for you and am very glad this story didn’t end in a far worse way.

I’d like to see stats of bat throwing accuracy vs ball throwing accuracy. 

The spirit is willing but the body is spongy and bruised!


No, they don’t.

No such thing as bad publicity for these types. In fact, there will be many non-alpha alpha male types that’ll look up to this scum.

Great minds think alike 

So Affleck really is a Boston frat boy level of awful isn’t he? 


My goodness, this is fantastic! Gave me chills hearing his Cohen and Denver...

Burneko made his impact recycling recipes he googled and doing his best Magary impression, your posts bear the same weight as his. 

Who’s missing the dong? 

Did you successfully reheat a pizza within its cardboard box before?

While I agree with everything you posted, you’re directing unnecessary hostility to a genuine question. He really wasn’t being facetious or snarky with his question.

He’ll hit you with his High-Knee?

Keep pushing the goalposts back...