
His critiques aren’t stopping anyone making any movie. We all react to trailers, that’s what their purpose is for.

Oh Drew, you gave support to the alt-right DC fanboys. 

With the Fox deal for Smackdown and that sweet Saudi blood money, $250 million isn’t going to be as daunting for now. When Vince’s ego drives him to double/triple down...that’s when we get to really point and laugh.

It’s like discovering your dog shit out a quarter. Finding some sort of value in a pile of excrement.

It’s the gif that keeps on giving 

“Back...and to the left”

Too soon! 

He really is the worst 

As the OSWReview lads say, “Local Cunt Ruins Everything”. 

If only you had a picture of his face/reaction lol.

It’s certainly an odd take. But at least the article primarily focuses on it being a missed call. Just an odd ender for the article.

So all it takes is free food and booze to quiet the masses. 

Pigs and cows are freaking adorable too, but our American dissonance is strong with what is cool to eat.

Bozhe moy...

Thank you for the thoughtful and thorough film synopsis. Trust me, my doge has been a rock solid foundation through the darkest of times. I know ASCNB will gut punch me just as hard as Hachi once (or twenty times) in the past.

You’ve got my attention, I had to look up this movie. A Street Cat Named Bob right?

Sign this kid up as a writer, already wittier than most and able to perform under harsh surroundings!