
you are right. I was thinking about the the hours that I would be drinking for forget this news today. from 6 - 3.

Anthony Kennedy Is The White “Moderate” MLK Warned Us About

If we take the presidency and the senate and the house, then you can pass a bill to make the supreme court 15 justices, and appoint 6 new ones.

Goodbye abortion rights...

The fact that trump hasn’t said it yet is astounding. I’m surprised no one has told trump that the n word is a word that Obama is allowed to use but trump isn’t.

“Supporter” downplays his role a bit. He’s the Chair of Citizens United (yes that Citizens United) and was Trump’s deputy campaign manager. 

100% bullshit. But thanks for making excuses for a racist. He targeted the only black people at the pool for harassment and wouldn’t leave them alone. Racism is not a mental illness.

You didn’t hear the whole conversation though. Neither did I so maybe she is escalating but if you think pervy men don’t try to get women and also their daughters to talk about stuff like this because it turns them on you are very very wrong.

Oh, please. Being a racist asshole is not a mental illness, and I’m beyond tired of dudes using mental illness to hand-wave away the bad behavior of other dudes.


GTFO, what the hell are you talking about? Mentally ill? Because he’s being a racist asshole to a black woman?

“Because that’s one of the rules,” he continues, “and I don’t know about you guys, but I’m tired of getting in pools people consider baths.”

This is disgusting. Unfortunately, there’s nothing new about anti-black racism at the pools.

Unless eating corn-on-the-cob is a violation of one’s ethical beliefs, makes them sick because they haven’t had it in so long that they no longer have the enzymes necessary to properly digest it, and can be easily mistaken for the mock corn-on-the-cob at this supposedly 100% corn-free festival, I’m not really

So many of you fragile meat eaters, clearly.

Are you worried you’ll accidentally buy it? Simply do not purchase products you’re not interested in! I don’t much care for cherry flavoring, but I’m not annoyed at packages of Twizzlers for not containing any cherries. People have their reasons for eating them even if I don’t think they taste like fresh cherries.

I get what you’re saying, but it’s a way to signal the kind of taste and texture one might expect from whatever foodstuff and/or what you can sub it for. This is particually helpful for my baby boomer parents when shopping for my vegan sister whenever she visits.

A-1 steak sauce is vegan.

Uh, the package up there says red seaweed pearls.

Clearly DR, as that’s not what he’s saying at all. Sounds like a reliable, affordable and sustainable alternative for an overpriced garnish that’s less about taste and more about satiating the rich’s need to feel rich through needlessly complicated production processes that also deplete natural resources.