
Thank you for saying this. My abortion was funny. I had a good time at the clinic and high-fived my anathesiologist afterwords because she was so amazing.
Abortions aren’t that big of a deal, and the fact that so many women google “am I bad for not caring about having an abortion” is sad. It’s just a thing that takes

A friendly note from your local abortion care worker — saying things like “No one WANTS to have an abortion. No one ENJOYS it. No one is saying that it’s not a physically and emotionally draining, last-resort to an unwanted pregnancy” is super anti-abortion and stigmatizing. Plenty of people DO want the abortion they

Yeah, it’s not supposed to change minds. That’s just the PR spin.

There is a special place in hell for women who have elective abortions and then decide they have the right to prevent anyone else from having the same freedom they willingly took advantage of.

Its not like they can join some Christian medical field.......because they don't believe in science. Not to mention "thoughts and prayers" pay Jack shit. 

I never saw it because I kept hearing it described as a lighthearted comedy and heard critics say, “It’s Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for girls!”. No. There is no way a movie about going through pregnancy and giving up your baby for adoption is comparable to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

“It is a conspiracy, and I will say that the left is very, very good at doing this sort of thing to get their agenda promoted. They punish those who go against them.”

Or about sex education and contraception, which can help prevent the abortions that they hate so much.

[There were also “over a dozen car accidents where the cars have been ripped to pieces or rolled over by a truck,” Solomon said, alluding to more Mephistophelean obstacles.]

To answer the question posed by the title of this article, “what is an anti-abortion movie supposed to do”....

Or about care for babies after they leave the womb and are in the real world with parents that cant afford food, housing ect.

Imagine if they got this passionate about the environment

“Her comments were not founded on anything” needs to be carved on Sanders’ tombstone.

Explain how you managed to make the loss of one of humanity's cultural treasures about a Trump tweet.

So this is how you choose to break the news that the Notre Dame Cathedral is, at this moment, burning to the fucking ground? By using it as a stupid, cheap angle to attack Trump? I don’t think anyone is under any delusions that the man is a firefighter or an architect or a historian. He’s reacting to this off the cuff

Maybe go ahead and put something up about the fire that doesn’t involve Trump?

I’m not American and I’m as against Trump as anything but to me the fact that Notre Dame church is burning and Splinter’s first thought is to drag on Trump’s statement and not a story about how one of the World’s most historic buildings is burning to the ground, is INSANE to me. For all the criticism of how the

wait until they make it illegal to go to Canada for that purpose. Have you read Red Clocks? It is a wonderfully written book, about the near future when abortions are illegal.

Womp womp?

I think the correct response is with thoughts and prayers