
Monks and other people were calculating the biblical age of the world way earlier than the 16th century. It was actually a serious intellectual issue that drew great minds and played into a lot of related political debates. Just because they were all wrong doesn’t mean they were idiots, though.

I get the impression that this movie was designed for the choir, i.e. that it was made to get people who already err on the anti-abortion side to double down on their opposition. Mostly it just pisses me off because I know lots of teenage girls are going to be dragged to this movie to indoctrinate them with bullshit.

TBH that kind of sounds like my period.

Or imagine if they’d actually read enough of the Bible to get to the parts where God literally uses miscarriages and forced abortions to punish women for various offenses.

It’s still flaming, so there’s no way to really know right now. But yes, initial reports suggest that the fire started in the attic of the building where they were working on the renovation.

Seriously. I stopped reading Gawker Media sites a while back and came back today to see what people were saying about this, and am pretty horrified that this seems to be the only article on the topic. Yes, Trump’s reaction was idiotic (comments he made in a speech after this tweet were even worse, for example when he

I’m concerned that will somehow become illegal too. Though maybe not, as rich religious people will want to keep that window open to continue having their own abortions while the rest of us are fucked over.

Maybe I’m a heartless bitch but honestly her kids will be better off without her in their lives. “Pro-life” women don’t give a shit about me, why should I shed hypothetical tears for them?

McConnell’s wife isn’t hot or anything but she’s definitely not the uggo in that relationship.

I don’t believe there are many people who did that. Those who did probably just voted for those guys because they’re white men who talk loudly. I doubt they actually know anything about what any of the candidates stood for.

Just curious why only progressives (most of whom did end up holding their noses to vote for Clinton) are to blame, and not lazy non-voters, undecideds, or those who actually voted for Trump.

I hope Trump doesn’t do it before the elections. He’d probably win in a landslide, unfortunately.

Probably just because they’re inconsiderate idiots.

Never said it was a conspiracy.

The investigation is going to get us nowhere and we’re all going to die covered in flies and feces. I’m sure Mueller has found all kinds of horrifying crimes to pin on Trump, but that has never mattered and it won’t this time either.

Meh he won’t care. I hope he dies on August 1st and doesn’t get to enjoy a single minute of his retirement.

Good thing I was home and not around Trump people when I saw this headline. I probably would’ve assaulted your coworker.

If it were up to the legislators, they’d never actually outlaw abortion because then they wouldn’t be able to dangle that issue in front of idiots to convince them to vote for someone who wants to raise their taxes while eliminating their own. Some asshole right winger safe on the bench might go for it though.

I’m personally moving towards the “we need to guillotine McConnell and these fuckers in the street” attitude.

I wasn’t at the event, so no I did not read the menu. Besides, the story has been updated.