
Oh libertarians. Call communists ridiculous idealists, believe in libertarianism.

anyone can attempt to run for public office, no matter how disgusting they may be.

So the FBI targeted and jailed Christopher Daniels as a ”black identity extremist” while THIS guy is actively encouraging criminal behavior. Yeah, I need a drink now.

“Look. This guy is admittedly not perfect. But he supports gun rights and standing for the anthem. And his opponent is a woman who once received classified emails through an unsecured account. So, in the end, he’s the lesser of two evils.” - White America

From the HuffPost- “The 35-year-old part-time accountant, who lives with his parents in Virginia, traveled...]

I can’t even with people saying Roseanne’s cast mates are stifling her free speech. She has free speech, but so does everyone else. No government officer is knocking down her door to give her problems, silence her, or lock her up. The first amendement only protects you from the government, not from being shit-canned

Now playing

Something has really been bugging me lately.

Seriously, multiple lines of mine go straight back to Jamestown. If I gotta leave, they have to leave, especially. lol

I can’t with these people. I can trace my African ancestry back to the early 1800's in America, and my European heritage back to the first landings. And I need to “Go back to Africa?” Bitch you wish.

One word: Cahokia.

Yeah, study colonial history and you’ll see the colonial authorities were very very concerned with whites “going native”. It happened a decent bit. White Europeans didn’t tame a damn thing.

He went on an absolute rampage on Twitter when he found out Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson.

Why not read her sister’s account? She didn’t seem to have a problem with it either.

Right. There seems to be this question about whether these men can be allowed back into Public Life. I mean . . . Public Life is a big place. Full of creeps and assholes and Nazis and all manner of nastiness.

I think it was correct for Louis to lose his show, to show some solidarity within the public realm, but I think his behaviour doesn’t warrant a lifetime sentence on him ever having a career again. The Franken thing is different I think because he’s a senator and (should) be held to a higher standard than a standup

I don’t see any reason why they can’t continue being artists. Now, whether they’re popular artists or not is up to the audience.

I would be pleased if she would just say “I’m just here to dismantle the nation’s public education the same way I poured enough money into Michigan to destroy their public school system. All kids should be educated by religious schools, and by that I mean conservative Protestant schools, and not Catholic or Gawd

Unless he’s hanging from a tree with “SWM” hanging from his neck, it ain’t anywhere close to the same. Fucking idiot.

I can’t wait until this comment section still somehow turns into a circle-jerk about how annoying vegans are lol

I can’t even fathom what it’s like to live life without any shame whatsoever. I get a typo wrong in an email at work and I’m kicking myself all the way home. This dude and the other dude in the white house just spout off easily disprovable historical facts and instead of being like ‘my bad’ they’re like ‘easily