
....given Meghan Markle is both a famous actress AND married to a prince, I assume she happened without our say so or not?

Trying to make her happen?

I find it bizarre this article then immediately made an attack on Kate’s dress, right after admonishing Katy Perry for doing that to Jezebel?

Katy Perry wore a culturally appropriated Sari to marry a sentient HPV virus. She needs to sit the fuck down.

Seriously though. Fuck off, Katy Perry. Also I just tried to find a picture of Katy’s wedding dress (from her wedding to Russell Brand, just for some comparison)and there are zero pictures of it online. Must be nice to have had a top secret wedding and no one judging your fashion choices!

The worst part isn’t the fit criticism, but the “Kate won” comment. She’s needlessly pitting women against each other.


“It’s just very British—no one else has got it,” she added.

This profoundly alarmed me, that “Kelly” might be like “Sioban” and pronounced absolutely nothing like it’s spelt, and I’ve been making an idiot of myself my entire life.

So much to unpack from this blog:

The appetite suppressant lollipops are “literally unreal.” Does that mean this is a late April Fool’s prank?

Meanwhile, in Actual America:

Looks like I’ll be fine as long as I only live six months after I retire.

Yeah, this article gives me a bunch of negative emotions including fear, anger, and indignancy (if that’s not a word, it should be). I make less than 40K a year. I’m putting in 9-10% with a 3% employee match but I only started this job (or A job) with a 401k 9 years ago. I’m 34 now and have no where NEAR double my

2/3 of American workers make $20/hour or less. That is roughly $40,000 annually and includes people with many years of work experience. That reality is why so many people scoff at advice like this.

don’t do anything fun

Boy! Lazy jokes about people who got fucked relentlessly by a bunch of self-involved hippie assholes sure are fun!

I have double my salary in student loan debt, does that count?

Let’s consider Mary: who begins working at 25 years old, earns $60,000/year to start [and] gets a 2% raise every year.