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He doesn’t even deserve the happiness that mariachis bring. He needs to get tuba’d everywhere from now on.

The fact no one called the cops over a suspicious blonde with an assault rifle on a college campus seems odd, considering people walking with babies are now being narced on. What could the difference possibly be

In Ohio, Tamir Rice was shot and killed for holding a toy gun. This is what white privilege looks like.

Not to mention she’s conveniently changing the traditional conservative narrative of the KSU shooting to fit her personal agenda.

I know I posted this on The Root yesterday but it absolutely applies here, too:

i think it’s safe to say that i am not the person you want to call on if you need a snap decision.

Sweet. I got BirdofPrey banned. I’ve done my good deed for the day. Another racist bites the dust.

Same basic shit happened in Riverside CA this week - some nazi shit head decided to start harassing a Muslim women in a Coffee Bean. Thankfully the other customers started yelling at him and then the supervisor refused to serve him because he was a racist douche.

I Googled his name. Take a look at the user suggested category for his law firm. Ha!


I’m guessing they probably pay for their own welfare with the money they earn from working at their jobs.

There is no “language of the country.” Sure, most people in the US speak English, but it’s not the official language. And this guy objected to two strangers who weren’t interacting with him. He’s a total piece of shit.

Um what makes you think the Latinos speaking Spanish that are causing him to embarrassingly melt down in public aren’t local? There’s a large population of Puerto Rican and Dominicans in NYC who are local and bilingual. See Mero of Desus and Mero if you’re confused.

How does he even have a voice? He should be screaming at people at least every 15 minutes for speaking another language if he’s walking around NYC.

I dunno, I saw somebody going HAM in comments yesterday about how The Root wasn’t covering this story, sooooo...

So the women working at the restaurant are freeloading? The mental gymnastics are strong in this one.

IF I were a cop, this is why I’d want a freaking gopro on each shoulder

You’re right. Moreover, on every post detailing police misconduct for the next six months someone in the grays will point to this one incident as magical proof that all cases of alleged bias are just that..alleged.

Nah, dude was racially profiled.

What did we learn today: