“Sweet Paula Deen in assless chaps!” is my new exclamation of choice.
“Sweet Paula Deen in assless chaps!” is my new exclamation of choice.
Damn. I would give you all the Teacher of the Year mugs ever made if I could.
I’ve always wanted a tampon case that plays the Hallelujah Chorus when you open it, for that very reason.
This site is really useful for keeping up with those wacky kids with their memes and their hula-hoops and pomade.
Killing Libido
Seriously, I think everyone would agree that Thor doesn’t count.
So, there’s this trope that all the pregnant ladies have hot celeb sex dreams. My online co-gestators were always mentioning their sleepytime sexytimes with Clooney and Pitt and the like, and I was moderately annoyed that I only dreamed about anthropomorphic food and household appliances in between grumpy repositions…
My parents have both arranged to donate their bodies. My dad jokes that he’s sad his mother won’t be there to see him get into med school.
You don’t know any actual trans people, do you?
If your son is already in school and has an IEP, the new district will have to follow it until they can do their own evaluation and IEP meeting. So try to get your current school to at least write in all of the supports he needs, even if you know that they are going to blow off a chunk of it. It puts you in a better…
Do you have a rat costume? I have an idea...
Hey, don’t go thinking you know how much the moon loves me. That thing won’t stop driving by my house slowly and leaving notes in my locker.
She’s a scientologist so of of course the boogieman drugs are psych drugs, which just piss off your thetans something awful.
This whole sad drama has been kinda triggering for a lot of people, so I just want to throw this out there, from RAINN:
DreamWork BigHard is my new D&D character name, thanks!