

Other Maine ‘drug-dealer’ names:


I can see how, if you’re going to be spending time around Donald Trump, you would want some way to identify your property in case it mysteriously disappears. Just saying.

This is what infuriates me about people like Erin. Its not equal footing... you have a group of people who have been systematically opressed in this country. As a white person I can not begin to fully understand what that does to my worldview - but I can accept the validity of these experiences (as well as the mfing

This is why we need to teach critical thinking skills in schools.

I really want him to become a BLM leader in-show. And face a racist white villain named Aaron Smith.

Her instagram account is full of pics from the commencement, highlighting students of color graduating today!

I’m calling fail. No mention of Voldemort in the write-up.

Please, please, please... if you’re in pain or in complete darkness...

I feel you. My Jurassic Park-themed wedding dreams were similarly shattered. It’s, like c’mon people! JUST THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES!

Autism Speaks is the worst. Their official position may be “we don’t know if vaccines cause autism” (which of course is bullshit) but they routinely host presenters who do at their conferences.

This poor woman has absolutely no fucking idea about what’s going to happen to her.

if you are defining “the hive mind” as “human beings with empathy.”

“Someone has a different opinion” is one way of putting it. Here’s another: A person in a position of power thinks that people with less power should stop acting like victims. This person, who helped create a game called AXE Body Spray Pogo Xtreme, argues that making games is not a job but an art. Therefore, he says,

Well, she’s shown her ass figuratively so many times, I guess...

Interesting how she’s only tangentially concerned with her clothes covering her “back privates.” Could this be leading up to the launch of a range of assless chaps?

When you're a racist ass they call it karma toe.

That was my thought as well, although I bet she doesn’t call it camel toe. I’m thinking she has some cutesy name for it like muffin basket.

I just DIY that shit because, you know, I am a total maverick.