
Don’t buy black suitcase.

Ha! I hear ya. My wife wears Newtons and they scream 1989 but she loves them because they feel good and she has zero pain when she runs in them. All thanks to the recommendation of a salesman at a running shop. The best we have in sporting goods near us is a Dick’s and an Academy sports and their sales-people know

You can apply the “buy online” step to anything, as far as I’m concerned. local, big-box, mall, whatever. The point is, get wisdom from a sales-rep that know something, get a good fitting and find the best feel for your feet.

The article was about how running isn’t cheap. So, my two cents was a contribution for those who may be trying to run on budget.

I think “better” is relative. What’s better for you isn’t necessarily the same quality for me or anyone else. Everyone’s got different feet. I can’t speak for all running stores but I know that we’ve been too have resulted good purchases. I have a pair of new balance shoes I bought at my local running store. I have

My wife is avid runner and as she said, much like with a mattress, never skimp on your shoes. The comfort of your feet when you run is everything. In fact, the advice she got for buying running shoes was to go to a store the specializes in it and get sized up there.

Just avoid the athletic shoe stores and big-box

Great story. My dad was also in the Army Air Corps at the very tail end of WWII. He was a spot jammer/waist-gunner. He’s never really shared any stories, willingly, when I was young and when I was old enough to really want to know, I’d already had friends who had been through Gulf War I and it messed them up so I

Aaaaand the outrage would be the absolute same if the tables were flipped. Period.

In fact, because conservative talk dominates the radio airwaves, not only would it be the running topic for days, but it would used as a bullshit talking point to broad-brush the opposition.

I have a Philips ambilight TV in my den and it’s a stark contrast from when we watch TV in the bedroom. I love it. I’d consider getting something like this for the bedroom TV

I have a Philips ambilight TV in my den and it’s a stark contrast from when we watch TV in the bedroom. I love it.

I’m glad you corrected the Mackie post. I almost came unglued when I saw “bookshelf speaker”.

I’m glad you corrected the Mackie post. I almost came unglued when I saw “bookshelf speaker”.

I approve of this concept.

Sex on the first date. Mistake of the highest degree. Never did that again. No, I wasn’t in Vegas.

Though, I think the worst thing anyone can do is go above and beyond your normal area of behavior. I mean, if you’re not the guy that does varying degrees of romance on a regular basis, FFS, don’t pretend to be that guy

This song has yet to get old on me. Such an epic statement about our world, today. That lyric video kind of says it all.

I get that its new...I get it’s a concept, but wow...ugly.

I’m still on the fence on this one. I work in front-end dev so i have worked both as a contractor and full time at in-house and agency environments. I’m going to speak from THAT industry area.

My mother was from Sweden so I grew up with a lot of Swedish food. As icky as so many may think, I’m proud to say I grew up on KALLES. If we didn’t have Wasabröd to put it on, we’d use other crackers.

Also, Lingonberry preserves were common when we had swedish pancakes but I also remember my mother serving it with

I love this idea. Reminds me of when I first learned about MIT’s OCW. Access to the books was a bit of a struggle so I didn’t pursue it further.

This, however, I think I can do. I’ve actually got a few Udemy courses on hold that I haven’t taken yet, too.

I know there are a few out there, but what’s considered the best blog or site for theorizing and speculating on the next gen of secret planes?

I still can’t believe that people willingly declare that they would vote for him. Even the idea of them considering a vote for him is baffling. He’s not saying anything new, he’s just saying dumber.

According to a guy I used to work with...his ‘source’ indicates it was a little saber-rattling designed for China.