
Water flavored beer, is more like it.

I’ve been wondering for years why nobody had tried 1st person with sports. This could be fun.

I wouldn’t sweat the cancelled news appearance.

Seems like good advice. I guess it depends on your intent. I’ve been involved in web design for more than a decade in various capacities and I’m starting feel like I need to go back to development so, for me to ask what I should learn seems okay....I do front end, so HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Rails/PHP..there’s a list

How about some alternatives....aside from Spotify? (my employer blocks it, takes up too much bandwidth)

Note that there are companies that do not give out details about employment..some just say “yes, blank worked here from this date to that date as a account manager”. Meaning they won’t go beyond that.

HOWEVER....while employers may not be able to say bad stuff about you (every state is different, I’m sure)....perhaps

“My dear, sweet brother, Numsey!”

Vote: Gerber 450 (like name has been changed as it’s changed)

I think a lot of this also depends on the size of the needle being used, what kind of work is being done (simple lines vs. intricate shading) and...this sounds bad...BMI. I've found that my tattoos have been more painful where there is more muscle tone.

I admit that I will occasionally troll craigslist in the gigs and services sections with posts that are completely asinine and snarky enough that I'll get emails from freelancers praising me (usually seasoned pros but sometimes n00bs) and hate mail from the ones that think it's okay for them to be be the wal-mart of

This is only the second year it's ever happened, but we have a shower stall in the master suite of our house, and we've had water freeze in the 'p-trap' which results in standing water in the stall because ice is blocking the drain.

O'Charlies carries pepsi products and should be added to that list.

UX is one of those areas of the industry where there's no clear definition regarding what skill sets make up a UX designer. As a designer trying to traverse into the world of UX, I've spoken to many UX people, some willing to talk...others more cryptic in providing information. Either way, I've found that the desired

I got in trouble for taking "visual notes" during a year end company wide meeting. Having my head down apparently during the entire video didn't help me either.

Lesson learned - take notes tactfully.

Just an FYI - some of the links are bad. I get Amazon error pages.

They did the same thing with Blk Ops II. I agree...doesn't help you get any better at the game. I remember the first time I played with the bots, I camped out in a room and looks out and all I saw were sniper classes...all running and stopping to aim at me in the window.

If anything, it's good for getting used to

Never rely on one outlet as your sole source. You're just asking to be spoon-fed and led astray. Most people don't take the time to read and then find another source that may back up or challenge the story they've just read.

Facebook is a prime example of being led outlets post stories with knee-jerk

Ahh...great idea, thanks!

I live in Georiga...more humid here. I can open up my plastic crates and see if that helps. Will the humidity affect them?

How about getting cigarette smoke smell out of books? I have a couple of plastic crates filled with books from my mom's house that just reek of smoke. I tried placing baking soda but that hasn't helped much.