
I need some clarification on this because been asking about this at Gamestop and I'm not getting much help. Based on what I've read here, my understanding is that a digital copy version will be available at launch and I can purchase this version, download it to my console and then when I buy an XB1, I'll be able to

Assume that I'll never get it back and just write it off as a contribution to a friend. But it also helps to maintain a mindset of "I am my brother's keeper".

Umm...Big Ben lives here....

Mitch McConnell!

My mother was from Sweden and back when I was 7, we visited the island she grew up on...they had these along the coast. Very cool stuff. I'm not sure if they're still there, though.

Less of a money saving tip...more management but that's a big part of saving anyway.

When I was single and could get away with it, I gave myself an allowance for the week...and stuck to it. On weekends, I took out cash only which helped me keep my checking account straight (I sucked at balancing it..never got it

Probably already mentioned, but worth mentioning over and over.

Oh's a NEST device right on my dashboard.

That's great if you have the option to pay by credit. Some pumps tend to recognize your debit card as a debit card and that's the only option you've got. Depends on the gas station. Worth paying attention to next time.

I've also noticed that some stations will charge one rate/gallon based on cash v. a higher

Suffice it to say that my wife has been comped a great many times when service providers have failed to deliver as promised or the work is just shoddy. And honestly, she doesn't go out with that intent. We took her car to a national car care shop to have the AC looked at because it was working intermittently, and

In Atlanta, several years ago, 511 was kind of like dialing information, just quicker..almost like doing a web search, really...but now 511 is direct access to the accidents, traffic issues, get H.E.R.O. unit can even GET traffic updates.

I think it depends on the field you're trying to get into. Fields in medical, legal, engineering, science, etc...yes....creative fields...maybe not so much.

I attended a fairly well known recording school back in the day...and only worked maybe five years in the industry before switching to interactive in which I'm

What kind of advice can you offer an aspiring freelancer who's lacking experience in business development? How does one find clients?

Hmm...wonder how this applies to us who have had our data plans grandfathered in. I'd happily pay full price for a new phone if I can keep my data plan.

If there's no turbo under this hood, I'd be very upset. I can do an even FASTER crappy job at mowing my lawn. I'm excited!

We've had a few really good burger places pop up over the past couple of years. Try Yeah Burger, Flip, Farm Burger and my fave, Grindhouse Killer Burgers if you're in the area.

I think if it's inter-office communication, it at least gives indication that the sender isn't in the office or away from the desk. I don't think one's folks or friends care if you're emailing from your phone or you laptop.

Oh god....getting into the "lets have a study" part again. Let's have another study...and another...we keep having them because the people that want them don't get answers that satisfy their argument. Apparently, the answer that it's ultimately up to mom and dad to decide about which games are and are not okay isn't

LOL. That's funny, because you may as well be leasing the CC suite in the first place. Yes, I've been handed to club to start whacking away at the horse.