
Oklahoma hadn’t gone backward like that since Mary Fallin left office!!

That is some Grade-A beeff! 

Proper Englishman Mark Rylance’s hat in that first clip was perfection!

Taco Fall,” in contrast, is why I gained 20 pounds my first semester of college.

I guess you could say things went Due South for that guy. 

State’s Tate Berates Field General Fields

In my opinion you are a bad first responder if an inanimate object in your care is DOA.

Too bad the same can’t be said for the Trump Foundation!!!1!

Who does this guy think he is, the owner of a major league franchise?

Wow. I did not expect to see news of a coup d’umbass coming out of Oakland.

Drew, if you read this, we’re all thinking about you and wish you the best in your recovery.

Get a load of fuckin’ Vizzini over here. 

The best part is how the paddle is in the air for a good second before the guy hits his return shot and he still slams the ball right into it. 

I, for one, am glad I live in a country where I can name my kid Dallas Burn. 

You know what a sentence is.

It would be complete and total justice if someone walking between cars opened that door and wrecked the whole thing.

How did this come to be, exactly? I mean, you have 4th and goal at like the 9 yard line, you’d think they would go for the field goal. But this looks like it wasn’t a fake FG or a fake punt, so how did they end up with the punter throwing a pass to a defensive end?

Meh, it’s an argument Haisley’s made before. 

I do not understand this fetishization of promotion/relegation. It is not the reason America sucks at soccer, nor is it the reason MLS underachieves. The NBA is one of many basketball leagues in the world, yet it has no promotion/relegation and America is the best nation in the world at basketball, and the NBA is the

There Is Nothing Left To Lose (Except Your Eligibility)