
I was under the impression that most of the Raiders fans live in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. This move places the team 3 hours away instead of 6. Easily making it a day trip instead of an entire weekend. My family in Riverside is super psyched about it

My friend who is an optometrist says that the danger comes from your eyes dialating because of the darkness around and then looking at the bright light of the sun. Dialated eyes allow for more harmful light to get at the retina

I remember reading a book in college about Queen Victoria and the mourning she went through when her husband died. She said something like “the last person who could call me Victoria is gone”. It was so sad, I couldn’t imagine feeling that alone

My friend’s husband was deployed and I was voluntold that I would be in the delivery room with her. She hated the obgyn on call because the lady would not believe that my friend was in labor and sent us home. We got to the parking lot and my friend’s water broke, so we went back upstairs. The obgyn tried to apologize

you wouldn’t even have to void out the floating soda if you just leave it on the last bill of the night. You lose out on skimming that last $3 but it keeps you from having to explain to your manager why you always need a void

It works if every table is ordering a soda so


Brent Smith of Shinedown

The most disappointing for me if when the lead singer of a band lip syncs. I guess I just expect that when I pay to see a “live” band, that includes vocals too.

I think it’s more of a difference between traveling for work and leisure travel. For example, I’ve been to Berlin, Rome, and New Delhi but I was way too busy with work to actually do any exploring. Am I technically a world traveler? Sure, but I wouldn’t consider myself an actual “tried and true traveler”.  I’m willing

I’m sure the Pilates machine in the background had nothing to do with how she stays in shape.

I can’t believe you really posted them! I love Dirtcast so much, it makes my hour long commute fun.

This is so true. I even have in-house penis, so totally easy access and I still can’t find the time

In The Witching Hour Uncle Julien bats for both teams and the family ghost (who identifies as male) seduces the female witches and Uncle Julien (who is presumably the only male witch in the family tree)  

I read The Witching Hour for a book report in the 7th grade. I left out the sex in my presentation to the class and focused on the family history and the ghost. My teacher said that it sounded interesting and she was going to put it on her personal list to read over the summer.

Because of course he did

It’s so disappointing to meet someone with a large deck and they have no idea how to utilize it