Her chin implant looks like it shifted a bit due to all the frowning. She’ll probably need to go in for a tune up soon
Her chin implant looks like it shifted a bit due to all the frowning. She’ll probably need to go in for a tune up soon
I posted it to Barf Bag but I’m forever grey so I’ll post it here too. This is Little Snookitino’s President Award. The presidential seal is microscopic, Drumpf’s name is nowhere to be found, we did not get a letter and the certificate looks like it was made with Microsoft Word. I’m going to try and find Mini…
Here is Little Snookitino’s President Award. The presidential seal is microscopic, Drumpf’s name is nowhere to be found, we did not get a letter and the certificate looks like it was made with Microsoft Word. I’m going to try and find Mini Snookitina’s President award, it had Obama’s signature, a nice sized seal and…
I couldn’t get the one guy to even let me look at a car, he told me to go home and come back with my husband. I ended up going with the dealer who treated me with the most respect and it happened to be a lady too
back in 2012 I had lost my job and my husband had his hours severely cut. Things got a little desperate and I began looking for work outside of my field and comfortable commuting zone. I eventually found a job but it was in the major city that was almost 2 hours away. The pay was more than my last job and they had…
I can’t take credit for it, I pulled it from another thread but it’s one of my all time favorites.
I entered my marriage with the opposite feeling. I was pretty cavalier. I figured if it didn’t work out then we can get a divorce and it’s ok. Life wouldn’t be over just because I got divorced. My parents stayed in an awful marriage because of the cultural taboo of divorce and I refused to feel that way about it.…
my husband and I watched the entire cutscene video that IGN has, there were a lot of scenes that felt like I was like watching a live action movie. We ended up watching the entire 2 hour and 30 something minute video all in one sitting because the script and acting were so good.
The only reason I know how to explain this is because my husband (who is highly educated and very often has to explain things to me) did not understand it either, even after I took him through the process he still looked at me with a blank face for a minute
Say it out loud
My kid is getting one of those in a week, I’ll post it when I see it
He also invented the Post-It with his best friend and insists that he’s the Mary and his friend is the Rhoda
She moved the ball further away from the hole
My friend announced that she had actually been faking her pregnancy for the last 6 months. She said she bought the fake baby belly because she wanted people to be nice to her when she went out. Then she started getting free stuff and it just snowballed out of control. She said she was going to a therapist to get help…
It looks like it’s supposed to say “Without pain, you cannot know pleasure”
I love this, “They’re like 5, why are we judging their relationship?”
No one in NC is crying for him. There’s a reason he lost to a democrat and almost every other office went to republicans.
I’d be worried about your own health insurance. My husband’s company has already made it clear that as soon as they are able to, they will be reducing coverage in order to save money. They are encouraging everyone to get any procedures or other medical services done now before the new healthcare law passes