
Kelly Clarkson and I have very similar body types. Like her, my weight has fluctuated over the past 5 years and I’m currently the heaviest I’ve ever been. It has really been a struggle for me to feel comfortable in my own skin but Kelly’s confidence and body positivity have inspired me to be more accepting of myself.

No one should ever stay off deep dish pizza.

Note the difference in the exposure.

It’s just not classy to blurt it out like that though. I mean, one does not “fuck” the President. One makes slow, tender love.

Who DOESN’T want to fuck President Obama, tho.

April Fool’s Day


no it's not just you. I don't enjoy her writing at all

Dang Karyn this is a pretty shitty Dirtbag. Yay you!

I kind of feel like this writer's Dirtbags are sort of judgmental all around. I'm not enjoying it... is it just me? :/

I think I look worse in pictures and yet when someone compliments my picture, I'm like 'Oh, it was just a flattering picture'. How do i brain

Excuse you, what is with these limited options? I am flawless and everyone knows it.

Now that Karlie is going to uni, Taylor needs a sidepiece to keep the bed warm until she gets back.

I'd hate fuck Adrien Grenier. #sorrynotsorry

This was actually our cake topper (made of fondant so it was edible!). Mr. Who already had a Hylian shield tattoo so this was my way of "matching". But Legend of Zelda has always been close to my heart since my siblings and I used to play it when we were young. It's a gaming love we both share 😊

Vin Diesel is a goddamn treasure, and the Fast & Furious franchise is great fun. I love the shit out of it, except for Tokyo Drift which does not fucking exist and do not argue with me about it.

"Bad life decisions"? Bishop Sartain, is that you? These are teenagers who had sex, got pregnant and were offered some money in order to document their lives. Some failed and made mistakes, AS TWENTY-YEAR OLD'S are wont to do. Some thrived.