
Generally speaking, when celebrities are interviewed on Ellen, I am pleasantly surprised at how witty, self-deprecating, and intelligent they are.

Well I’ll be a tied up chicken hanging off the side of a moonshine jug!

Moose has been on Deadspin before - Deadspin staff verdict: good dog.

Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!

I stopped watching CNN the day after the election. I have been waaaaaay less annoyed in general.

My local grocery store had the indecency screen up over the Trump People cover.

I only learned recently that Teen Mom had switched it up and started including the producers and it sounds super interesting.

I’ve Performed at the Super Bowl and Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Nomination and All You’ve Done Is Sit On Some Ugly Rocks With an Englishman

Ehhhhh, I mean all the photos are from the event they’re covering — the nomination — and Hillary Clinton wasn’t there. So kinda hard to get a photo of her. The USA Today one looks terrible.

Now playing

Now stop watching that and watch Taran Killam do it!!

Why so much hate for a seemingly intelligent, successful woman? Sad to see so many comments tearing down her book/life before it’s even out yet.

yo, hot take. andy is BAE.

can’t wait for the breitbart breaking news post exposing hillary as a ginormous

If I was married to a swimmer, I’d demand he be shirtless most of the time.

Chyna was Rob-bed.

No Jody and her magical shoes that change color WHILE THEY ARE ON HER FEET, no me.


I don’t know much about her but I’m going to donate to planned parenthood in her name. Thank you for that.


Who did she kill for that lighting