
She was a bit Too Much™ in this interview.

Moose irl rn.

Welp. Got me then.

I believe it was because Negan was joking (?) about taking Maggie back to be one of his wives and they wanted to just shut that shit down.

I can’t wait for the time when The Bachelor has to start filming like Teen Mom OG does now. It’s then, and only then, will they have acquired a brand new, lifelong watcher in me.

It’s Chang you can believe in.

I understand, but bringing even faux outrage to this article specifically at this site where people are generally more evolved feels like feeding the trolls to me. Even sarcastically bringing that garbage perspective here is giving those troglodytes too much credit.

Yes, this entire thread was people getting fake outraged (and then probably real outraged) re: an outrage that isn’t happening? Fun!

SO flirty! Anna even commented at one point that they basically couldn’t stop touching each other. I remember feeling like a bad person bc I thought if I ever met Captain America and he was even remotely interested, my marriage would not survive it. VINDICATED.

There was an article on here awhile ago suggesting the MCU is probably going to go the way of Warner Bros and DC and keep the TV and movies completely separate (at least until Infinity Wars).

Bless you.

Years and years of practice.

Blake Lively’s is awesome for how ridiculous it is. She’s like a walking GOOP.

Female fanbase? Do you know a lot of women who are dedicating hours of their life to a TV show in order to catch a glimpse of Daryl’s arms as if the internet doesn’t exist?

Negan kills Holly in the comics or has her killed — either way, no discrimination.

No offense Nora and Mary-Lou, but I’m so glad the Hellstone and it’s stupid rules are gone.

Well, I just found out people on Jane the Virgin get killed off so I don’t know which way is up anymore.

Yes!! I caught that as well.

So spot on. Three different people texted me “WHO WAS IT?” and I responded “I don’t even fucking care”.

I was more concerned about why Superman, who loves Lois more than anything, wasn’t like WTF are you doing here? *drops Lois off at other end of the world*