She was a bit Too Much™ in this interview.
She was a bit Too Much™ in this interview.
Moose irl rn.
I can’t wait for the time when The Bachelor has to start filming like Teen Mom OG does now. It’s then, and only then, will they have acquired a brand new, lifelong watcher in me.
SO flirty! Anna even commented at one point that they basically couldn’t stop touching each other. I remember feeling like a bad person bc I thought if I ever met Captain America and he was even remotely interested, my marriage would not survive it. VINDICATED.
Years and years of practice.
Blake Lively’s is awesome for how ridiculous it is. She’s like a walking GOOP.
You know what, good for Hil. It’s hard to hear, but it sounds like this girl came in looking for a fight — she was never going to accept anything she said about what I assume is the lack of Somali-Americans in government, which is a weird thing to pin on anyone.
Ummm also Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth totally banged. Way to bury the lede.
Whew- thank you! Not sure how I missed that. Sadly, I’ll never get the minutes I spent analyzing a stranger’s face back though.
OK, there’s nothing wrong with those lyrics but HOW IS THAT JAMIE LYNN SPEARS?!
Srsly. Hell is having a boss that doesn’t Google their own shit.
I too knew a Goth who pushed me to be abusive — but more in a ‘build a pool without a ladder’ way.
Shade Court™ ruling?
This is exactly the time I would choose to get rid of old furniture, if only to troll the fuck out of teh ‘bloidz.
I want an exclusive interview with her spray tanner.
Are you implying he wasn’t cast right for Daredevil?
Awwww. Kylie took the picture down. Guess she did gaf :( :( :(
Those tattoos. Do want.
That is the exact amount of coverage I would wear at all times if I had that body. Brav-o.
It is pretty fucking hilarious, tho.