
We (Chicago) made you, Oprah! We can unmake you! (no we can't) (I don't blame you) (It's so cold right now)

isn't Mia Goth a character in The Sims?

She also gave us the quote of the year.

ikr i fuckin love normcore kim

Sue me, I'll stick with watching Firestorm up there in his natural habitat: melding with Victor Garber.

i feel like he would like this comparison tbh

You know you're an asshole when even Canada, the politest country in the world, is like ERMPH. BACK UP, TURN AROUND, WALK AWAY.

This is just a regular Japanese toilet.

As a gay man who would love 6 weeks of paid maternity equivalent leave every year for absolutely no reason, I still think this is a stupid comment. Not everything in life needs to be completely equal and fuck you for begrudging people the time they need to recover from a medical situation.

You're right, giving birth is the same as taking a fucking vacation to Hawaii OHMYGOD I don't even want kids and you annoy me.

oh ffs

It's okay. Look what I just made-

I too suffer from blonde eyelash syndrome. I also have very fair, skin which ensures that the morning bags under my eyes are purple if I don't put on concealer. Add in ponytail and throw a knit cap over the whole thing so you can't see my hair, and people look generally concerned about whether I can make it to my

Blond eyelashes unite!

When I don't wear mascara people ask me if I'm dying of stage 4 cancer, so Uma, I feel yew heavy.

I feel like I would totally want to go see my hot ass husband up on that screen and be like "YO BITCHES I GET TO GO HOME AND FUCK THAT FOR REAL."

And Trent was totes a dreamboat.