Holy hair envy, Batman.
Holy hair envy, Batman.
I saw a KUWTK (JUDGE AWAY) where they were in a meeting with publishers and I'm assuming the ghostwriters although they didn't say as much. Watching these literary professionals grin and bear it and pretend to be excited about not only the book, but Kendall and Kylie's potential as writers, was just soul-demolishing.
At first I was like 'why are we pretending Kate McKinnon isn't gay?' and then I was like 'nope, doesn't matter because Pratt'. Also, human sexuality is a dazzling spectrum.
Highly recommend the Marc Maron WTF podcast with Dax. It's actually really interesting and when he talks about Kristen I get the squees.
I think we can all agree that The Mindy Project isn't the same kind of sitcom as M*A*S*H, All in the Family or even Dinosaurs.
It is ridiculous. That picture could be from yesterday or from a Bring It On premiere. There's no way of knowing.
There are very few Beyonce performances that don't cause me to uncontrollably burst into tears. This isn't one of them.
I only use Hanx Writer so I can pretend I'm writing witty emails to Meg Ryan.
This is such a fun, uplifting site for women, you guise. Srsly having so much fun. What can we needlessly rip to shreds next?!
I love her based on this adorable video segment: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/…. Does she sound pretentious? Yes. Does she constantly talk about chowing down on stuff you know she doesn't really chow down on? Yes. But she's sweet, she's quick, and she's gorg.
Danguh zone...
I was thinking more like a cooler, sexier, more violent Limitless.
Oh yeah, still so psyched to see it— it looks so fun.
Oh, man— I love that girl. Glad she found life after ANTM.
Not trolling, genuinely have no idea— are there any other women in the movie? I don't think I saw any in the trailer.
I'd procure a slow clap gif if I wasn't so drunk.