kid snerkadelic

It's cold outside? There will be (several) layers...

This proves you are a billionaire.

There was, in fact, a woman killed in Philadelphia recently because she was crossing the street while staring at her iPad. The device did not alert her that she was stepping in front of one of those idiotic “duck boats.”

Once the headline said the pregnancy was viral, I knew it wouldn’t end well.

I have no doubt Prince has done some regrettable things. I have too. (Perhaps you have as well.) And the excessive self-dramatizing about record contracts is beyond ludicrous - we all give up some degree of freedom when we enter into professional arrangements, and given his purported worth of $250 million I dare say

Sounds like a classy joint.

Back in the 80s I worked at a restaurant and me and the cook and two or three of the waitresses we used to totally get fucked up off gas chromatography mass spectrometry and whip-its and wine coolers and generic cigarettes and hormones and the night sky and the smell of the dumpster out back of the place.

No you didn't...!

It be like what George Eliot wrote: “Mill, you ain’t flossin’.”

Stop disrespecting Tom Brady lip tattoo motherfucker, motherfucker!

She robbed him of... his heart.

I love assholes, especially if they are bleached... their hair, that is, you filthy-minded liberal weirdos.

Aw shucks...right back atcha Miss Randi

But it's negated by his sexy sweater. Just wearing it should be considered sensual harassment. Also I bet he lets pitbulls, or possibly Pitbull, lick peanut butter from his bald head.

Seriously... what can you say to him except “stay assy, classhole.”

Shit, that's going to break my 8-track player!

Can we rewind please... there's actually a dude named Jenson Button?

Carlos is a murderer and a rapist! Oops sorry... wrong thread...

Assault with a protein drink? No whey!

Humblebrag strikes again! (Just kidding... he sounds like an oaf.)