If I chose to be gay, and Rick Santorum were the only other person on Earth, and there was, miraculously, some way of assuring the continuation of the species by having sex with him, I would choose not to.
If I chose to be gay, and Rick Santorum were the only other person on Earth, and there was, miraculously, some way of assuring the continuation of the species by having sex with him, I would choose not to.
Full-body condom. You can't be too careful in space.
Seriously, and I thought cow tipping was fucked up cruel. Next y’all be tipping turtles on they back! You ain't helping, Leon!!!!
Some ads go viral - can't be too careful!
This is an impressive piece on investigative (pronounced “in-vest-i-GUH-tive”) reporting.
Instant carma
I got your point, I just think you’re imbuing the show with more sophistication than it actually exhibits.
You is right i betcha sam Hinky payd a goon in a overcoat ta bust embiid foot. i betcha he think he warr embiidextrous wit dem footses!
Assuming your premise about season 1 is true, I’m not sure what makes “self-aware” misogyny edgy or desirable. Also noir as a genre has that kind of winking self-awareness wired into it - you would have to do something quite a bit more innovative than Woody Harrelson smirking along his jawline to warrant the effort.
“What does shump even mean? I thought it was Yiddish for ‘oy, his hair looks like a knish,’ or a term I heard on the mean streets of the lower upper east west midtown side. But apparently it actually refers to is a sex act so lurid I can’t even finish it.”
Even better nail polish names:
I’v never met Tommy Craggs. More than that I’ve never heard of him. I just wish just once he would fall drunkenly in front of the A train so I could sacrifice my life in order to save him. It would be a small price to pay for the thousands of tiny kindnesses he would have shown me had we but met. Like marrying my wife…
Not a surprising scenario, but disturbing nonetheless. I would imagine in your industry a young woman would need to be extremely confident and well-centered to fend off that sort of idiocy.
Last season was cheesy misogynist bullshit coupled with intense scenery chewing. I haven't watched this season but it's alarming to think the show could actually have gotten worse.
I suppose one could argue that Bill had his own issues with keeping his tube capped. Hell, sometimes he got paste on everything!
But you have to ask yourself: Do we really want to put someone who can’t cap toothpaste properly in charge of our nuclear arsenal?
No, because he wiped his butt with a Brillo pad.
Reminds me of the time I had sex with myself on the self-checkout machine at Home Depot. Too bad it wasn't captured on video.
I get the same reaction, but then I’m a hairy, deranged, obese middle-aged man.
I love the breast milk. LOVE it. I put that shit on my Weetabix in the morning.