weak casting
weak casting
Not really. I’m also given to understand that there were difficulties with Norton on set, a la Terrance Howard in Iron Man. While I do enjoy Edward Norton, and he did great work in the films mentioned, I prefer Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner. Similar to the way I prefer Don Cheadle as James Rhodes.
Which would have been a huge loss, considering that Winter Soldier is arguably the best MCU movie to date.
Man, that would have put quite the damper on my marijuana consumption.
Fired is good.
If the whole thing you ‘disagree’ with is the mere idea of someone loving another person who is the same gender as them than yeah. You’re not respecting them at all.
At least he’s not receiving funds from private prison lobbies.
right, who the fuck gives children access to CC? I mean if the Congressmen had an account, then he plays games, but he blamed it on his son. So he acknowledges his limited role as a father by buying the little shit whatever he wants lol
I’ve never understood how/why parents let there kids get a hold of their cards and use them at will, and then be like, “how dare he spend all this money I want a refund!” I would have got my ass beat for taking change from my Dad’s change jar as a kid without asking. It's not Steams fault you're a dumb ass.
I would rather have Bernie in the White House working out the solutions to these problems than Hillary working with the people who created these problems.
I like Sanders, but this interview is pretty bad. He has always appeared the least terrible option to me and will remain so. Obviously Clinton mouthpieces like the Washington Post will excoriate him over it and no doubt this comment section aka Clintonland will whilst pretending only Sanders supporters shovel…
Man, I agree! Loads of jezzies seem to have this extreme dislike for him. I just do not get it. I like him! From what I’ve heard of how he conducts himself (1st person accounts) he is a super polite and friendly, down to earth guy. And he’s a great actor and actually walks the walk on his enviornmental views.
I completely agree! I don’t know why everyone gets so hung up on his sex life. He’s a good actor (a really good one, imo), you never hear anything very terrible about him, and he’s found a cause to focus on. I personally don’t give a shit who sleeps with who how many times where - providing everyone is a consenting…
This is why I actually like Leo. I truly don’t give a shit about his sex life as long as everyone is consenting. I have met way too many monogamous “nice guys” who are actually not decent human beings to judge someone solely on their sex life.
When I was a kid in the mid-’60s, Doctor Strange was my favorite character. Why?
HOLY SHIT. Now this was a fucking space opera. I’m still reeling from the awesomeness.
Why don’t they just make the first movie a heist film starring those 4? Madonna is the muscle, Jay-Z is the brains, Kanye is the wildcard & deadmau5 is the gadget guy
Even if you don’t like those things, she had nothing to do with them. She did no work on FE:F. Which you’d know if you’d bothered to even read the article.
It’s very telling that Neo Nazis and racists are supporters of the Gamergate agenda.