You’re comparing being disabled to being a doctor or athlete? A career choice? Good grief.
You’re comparing being disabled to being a doctor or athlete? A career choice? Good grief.
If this isn’t a troll piece........
What a fucking idiot.
$13,000. Think of all the starving children and homeless people that could of helped. Hell, you could of put a nice dent in my college debt for me! :’D
Boy howdy, that’s sure some feat! I wish I could afford to spend $10,000 and have literally nothing of any real tangible value to show for it!
But why?
I like that Martin Shkreli is going through all the same phases as a gawky twelve-year-old boy. Now that his fixation on Wu Tang has failed to make him seem tough and cool, he has turned to Magic cards. I can’t wait for him to try skateboarding and death metal.
There is big difference between indirectly causing someone to commit suicide because you left them and literally encouraging someone to kill themselves and you know that. The situation is not remotely comparable. Just because this is Jezebel doesn’t mean you have to twist this into a men vs women thing.
If you don’t feel comfortable or ready to invest in the stock market, simply putting money aside is a step in the right direction.
Truly, news that tens of people waited for.
Nope. Plenty of other prisoners face all that and years behind bars. This fucker is the poster child for needing a long sentence. Did you read his statement to the court? He blames Stanford, alcohol and slutty women. Not a single thing in his proclamation was about his personal responsibility.
I agree that Bernie probably should step down after tomorrow but the tone of that tweet is terrible. It makes him sound like a tiny little pest that’s tarnishing what should have been Hillary’s automatic and perfect nomination path. Which if we’re being honest, he has been, but why is that a bad thing? I mean, since…
He should have just said “No.”
Seriously the HRC supporters need to stop over using the word “sexism” and just admit their candidate is flawed. Do people hate Clinton cause she is a woman...yes, but are there a bunch of people that hate her because of her judgement, flip-flops, and being an estblishment polictian...yes! HRC supporters might get…
you sexist
Out of curiosity, was Hillary asked if she was racist for trying to get in the way of the first Black president? I don’t remember that happening but I could have missed it. Has Hillary been asked if she is being anti-Semitic for standing in the way of the first Jewish president?
By that logic, Hillary is anti-semitic because she is standing in the way of the first Jew who could become president.
He’ll never get the sentencing he deserved but I hope his name will be forever tied to rape and shitbaggery. May he never find gainful employment or respect.