Yeah, but one of the original 150 was a bunch of angry eggs. Some of them have always been lazy.
Yeah, but one of the original 150 was a bunch of angry eggs. Some of them have always been lazy.
So is more diversication always good? Index funds as I understand it are solid in the long term because of their diversity.
That’s what I don’t get. Instead of encouraging Hillary to adopt some policies that would benefit them. (Healthcare, income, taxing the wealthiest.) Every comment on a Bernie story is ‘shut the fuck up old man.’ it’s insane.
I agree it’s not sexist. The question is also insulting for someone who’s been a fighter for equal rights his entire life.
I was going to say the same thing.
I don’t think he should. Not without Hillary adapting some of his more popular policies first. (Healthcare for instance.)
No? He said his issue was with them putting their support behind a candidate before there was anyone else in the race, not their mere existence.
I agree with this professor: let’s burn this kid alive.
They’re desperately trying to answer the question raised in Russia’s winter Olympics: “Could it get any worse than this?"
This is so gross. I love Grimes’ music.
They could’ve saved a lot of money, for a one time consulting fee of only 150k I would’ve explained to them that they’re idiots and that this is not how the internet works.
Jesus-man cant be the guy who said its easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich guy to get into heaven and to not judge others.
Yeah he didn’t do well in this interview. But atleast he wants to take on the bankers that ruined the world economy and then used a tax payed bailout to give themselves bonusses and lobby politicians so they could continue committing fraud.
This lady is a national hero.
Politico for one, I’m not sure about the names of others as they showed up on my flipboard.
Cool, I’ll check it out.
It’s fine if he loses fairly, my issue is with things being misrepresented. Most online delegate trackers include super delegates as a default, soms lack the option to view results without.
I agree everyone deserves a say. We’ll see what happens down the road. I’ll support either Democrat in the general since the other party is insane and wants: less rights for minorities, tax cuts for billionaires and to apply kansas’ failed economic policies nationwide.
I just checked and you’re right, it is 224 delegates.