
Which reminds me of the Governator’s letter vetoing a finance bill:

He just released his tax plan and I hear it’s good, but I can’t make heads of tails of it:


Does anyone else think that nun actually looks like Mitch McConnell in disguise?

I can’t even handle the nerve of their “Help a Sister Out” signs. Like, at worst, this has absolutely no effect on you, but will fuck over tons of other women. Fuck right off, ladies.

Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.

Yes. Now get off the internet until your homework is done.

No doubt that Warren’s statements will elicit even louder “sighs” of regret from the Democratic electorate who wish that she was running.

Oh sweetie. Just sit there and look pretty. The talking just ruins it.

You both are morons

Some just out of college bro marketing coordinator just lost his job.


Speaking as a Hillary supporter: good. Any increase in access to voting rights is a thing to strive for.

I am constantly surprised at the number of people who completely miss the fact that The Lonely Island is making fun of bro culture, not celebrating it.

I fucking love The Lonely Island. Top five songs:

HOT ROD was one of the great comedies of the past decade and I am SO EXCITED for this now.


Did Bill even know what that guy was asking him? I’m not even sure he did. Not that I blame him: I doubt Bill was looking over the shoulders of the people working in game development every single day. Wouldn’t it be something else if this exchange led to Age of Empires IV, though?

“Her: godly, gorgeous, athletic, educated, careered, humorous, travelled, bilingual, 26-year-old virgin. You: unworthy, though becoming less so daily.”

jim webb 2016: he killed a guy