
Rest assured, as a non-furry, Mr. Peanutbutter’s sculpted body makes me VERY uncomfortable.

The final scene was.... unexpected.

In particular the Diane’s-eye-view shots of Mr. Peanutbutter as they transition from fighting to fracking were interesting/disturbing, with the angry dog’s head looming over the human and muscular shoulders and chest. It was like confronting us with the idea of Mr. Peanutbutter as a sex object - the first time I felt

I think this is the episode where my fears that we were in for another round of “BoJack is an irredeemable piece of shit who is going to show up and bring misery to everyone again” were finally put to rest. He’s actually trying to be good, apologizing and owning up to his lies pretty much instantly. I know the rest

My favourite background joke of the episode is how all the signs in the 3-second 1999 flashback say things like “relevant billboard”, “flashback joke” and “The 1999 and Keychains Store”. Even when the background jokes are intentionally lazy, you can tell there’s so much effort put into that laziness.

I’ve been thinking a lot about whitewashing on this show while bingeing through it last week in anticipation of the new season. I think at some point they realized they’ve made a mistake making Diane Asian (or, conversely, casting Alison Brie to play her), because I noticed they’ve been compensating for it by casting

Todd’s last name may be Chavez, but I don’t think he’s really intended to be a POC. He’s about as Hispanic as Rick Sanchez.

I said this in response to someone on the first review, but Todd being there makes me happy for the Ace community (which that’s such a cool name, I just get Pan. But I also get Deadpool on the representation front, so fair trade). I watch a lot of television, and to my knowledge this is one of the first times a

Mild spoiler: The Courtney Portnoy tongue twister stuff continues throughout most of the season and Amy Sedaris kills it every single time. It’s easily one of the comedic highlights of this season for me.

> Even though I haven’t read much of him, this episode is taking a Faulkner-ian view of how grief

Plus, she said that she was one cow that encouraged tipping.

So this is my first comment on Kinja, the great new system of our time.

Man, this one was brutal. Krakowski killed it. All of the dual timeline scenes were amazing.

Having roared through all the episodes until 3:30AM last night/this morning (it never really feels right calling it the morning when you haven’t slept yet), I look forward to reading the rest of the reviews. God, this show.

I thought the Dragonfly guy was just an exceptionally blue fly for the longest time. The insect people are easily one of Bojack’s strangest aspects. Are there no actual bugs in this world?

As a great woman once said, ‘suck a dick dumbshit.’

They don’t seem to be giving much time to their story arcs. Everything with the neighbor seemed to happen really fast.

I plan to check out a few episodes, but usually find MacFarlane pretty insufferable. I adore Adrienne Palicki, though, so I feel like I should at least give it a shot. This review makes me feel like I might not make it through the second episode, though.

I’m still reluctantly interested. MacFarlane is terrible in so many ways, but he really is 100% earnest in his nerdy love of Star Trek and sci-fi. I believe there is a future for this show that leans away from Seth’s worst tendencies and leans into being just a fun, light take on Star Trek where Discovery seems to