
Well, look, I’m actually on your side - I think antifa are by and large a bunch of “might makes right” meatheads, the kind of Earth Crisis-listening assholes who used to beat people up in the hardcore scene for not being vegan or whatever, and their notion that they are going to keep punching racism until it doesn’t

All I can think is two guys intoning into microphones: “Deep Hurting....Deep Hurting.”

They’re not “just as bad” - but they actually help the Nazis achieve their goals, and perpetuate violence. They are enemies of productive civil discourse and human rights. So, in that respect, quite similar to the Nazis and Republicans.

God damned half-wit slack jawed Nazi hicks.

Basically, here’s the timeline:

You’re . . . a little bit behind the times, aren’t you?

Unfortunately, by Snopes publishing an article saying that Obama was not president during Katrina, they’ve only reinforced the Trumpists’ conviction that Obama was indeed president at that time.

Ahhh. An Anthony John Agnello piece is just the thing to help the new place feel more like home.

The reveal that the hot new video game Todd was bsessed with is just a low-res puzzle game is probably on of my favorite jokes in the entire show. It’s so funny.

I’ve been rewatching season 1 in preparation for the new season and from this episode out it is really all gold. The Telescope is an episode with more laughs and pathos than most shows ever achieve and it is only halfway through the first season.

This article incorrectly identifies Todd as an “unwanted house guest”.

I think you’ll find it’s Esteemed Character Actress Margo Martindale.


The zoom out after Wayne’s speech to Diane revealing that Mr. Peanutbutter was sitting there the whole time was the best joke of the episode. “I really like that guy!”

Sounds good to me. I remember when Whitmire took over, and we got used to him.

Man, I wish I could be as optimistic as you. Unless the Left can get over itself and start getting behind (and this is key) an actual candidate and not try to be cute and say Anybody But Trump 2020 (lol), we are fucked the same way were were fucked in 2004. Hoping Trump will die....well...that isn’t exactly a plan,

You have so much more faith in the system than I do. Mueller could turn up an actual dead body, and Paul Ryan would shrug and say, “Taxes,” while Trump’s supporters will find a way to blame Obama. I mean, the guy has already pretty much been exposed as obstructing justice...and we don’t even talk about it any more.

The Bible is pretty clear on loving your neighbor and not being a pious dickfor. It’s not God’s fault people don’t read.

Oddly of all the things that scared me in my animation-obsessed youth, this film never did. I watched/watch this movie religiously (it too is my favorite animated feature film of all time). I suppose I always assumed that the glowing eyes represented those characters reaching some sort of lofty pinnacle of wisdom.

They actually hold up quite well I find.