
I admittedly know nothing about the Kotaku curfuffle, I was just commenting on why specifically they reacted to the Disney / LA Times situation.

‘It’s a dangerous precedent that Disney is setting: Write an unfavorable story—one that Disney hasn’t disputed factually, even—and it will blacklist your publication, punishing independent journalism by using its massive corporate influence. And it’s one that we similarly can’t abide.’
... once somebody else speaks

That’s because they didn’t bother to take a stand until somebody else did and it became a trendy move to make. There is no nobility here, just promotional gimmickry.

There’s a typo in this article: The director of The Juniper Tree is Nietzchka Keene.

I read (on Stereogum) that it’s her voice pitch-shifted. It’s a really eerie effect, whatever generated it.

There’s room enough in this world for both a parade of wolves and Annie Clark. Just probably not in the SAME room.

The punchline hasn’t even started yet. I’m sure it’s going to be a good one.

He wants that coverage to be positive and not negative, and then the other 10% to be bashing Democrats and Trump critics. I guarantee he wouldn’t complain about ‘fair coverage’ then.

He’s not wron- oh wait, late night comedians are entertainers and not news organizations? So the president is using his position of authority to make his complaints appear official when they are in fact inconsequential? I guess he’s all sorts of wrong then.

I have a strong feeling that this will not be the only controversial thing about this game...

Please don’t reinforce this narrative that his lethargic disaster response is about race. It’s actually (arguably) even worse: incompetence. He didn’t prepare adequately for Harvey, or for Irma, or for Maria. He got bailed out on the first one because the US has a pretty damn good disaster relief system in place (when

Trump is polling more popular with Republican voters than the majority of their representatives, and the majority of Republican voters are happy with his administration.

You two are both behaving like petty children right now.
Person 1: These inspirational posts are the first step in getting people organized and mobilized for real change, I’m optimistic.
Person 2: These posts do nothing on their own to help anybody and I don’t believe they will inspire people to do anything, I’m cynical.

Wasn’t this article usually more than a paragraph about a network programming notification?

A president attempting to use protests over young black men being murdered by the police as political propaganda to rile up his base and distract the media is less of an issue than a nuclear war.

In comparison to ongoing wars, multiple catastrophic disaster relief efforts, the looming threat of nuclear conflict with North Korea, and health care repeal efforts that will remove coverage from over 20 million Americans, yes I would call this a distraction. It’s even a distraction from the issues of police

... Like I condone this? I’m just trying to make sense of how his warped mind works. Congrats though, you’ve really accomplished a lot by assuming the worst of my character.

He needs a distraction right now and also needs to be the focus of attention in everything. As he let slip in the rally yesterday, he thinks the NFL is losing viewers because of him. As if people who drink, eat, party, and sleep while an NFL game is on in the background also can’t check Twitter every once and awhile.

It already occurred in the preseason (link below). From my perspective, I feel it’s hard to point fingers or divide NFL players by race on this issue simply because so many players of all types are choosing not to protest. I’m guessing that will change on Sunday, especially now that the NFLPA has spoken up in strong

I would love to see some figures that suggest non-voting demographics have a different breakdown in political opinion. Seriously, I would love any amount of good news. If more non-voters are Republican-leaning then that means we have the government the people want, if more non-voters are Democrat-leaning then there is