
> What makes Syndrome the villain?

Now that Alabama is set to make a pedophile a senator, this whole pee tape thing seems kinda quaint.

I wasn’t really talking about him succeeding or failing at his particular agenda, but in his role as a servant of the people. Which yes, pretty much runs counter to his stated agenda. Which is why I threw in the bit about hoping for impeachment. What I was more getting at is that wanting things in the world to go

But like... he’s not wrong? Trump is a bad person, yes, but anyone who actively hopes for a sitting president to fail is a really cynical pessimist at best or more likely a nihilist or an anarchist. I mean, what, have you got a great tweet ready to fire when he starts a war? Hope that he gets impeached, hope that he

Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except

So you’ll still be reviewing, writing about and publicizing Disney films but you’ll be paying for a full price ticket for the privilege of doing so.

Ah yes, Hillary Clinton, noted Wall Street enemy and political outsider, uninterested in expanding power.

Hey whoa... nothing is beneath this site

He’s right.

Woody Allen shouldn’t be afraid of witch hunts. Witch hunts target INNOCENT people. He’d be fine.

If only some cunning sleuth could connect the dots to figure out who the perpetrator was. If only this puzzle didn’t have so many missing pieces...

This was well known, though, as is the fact that Lars von Trier is an abusive, unscrupulous creep.

That makes sense since I couldn’t find anyone else credited for the song. Really thought it sounded like Dev Hynes (Blood Orange), though!

Annie Clark might be the best in the business at track sequencing. The songs on every St. Vincent album are always perfectly arranged for maximum impact.

The New York Times was the one who published the piece on Weinstein, so it seems kind of ridiculous to say that the paper was enabling him.

I support the kneelers, I oppose Trump’s efforts to chill free speech with government resouces, and the following is not an endorsement of ESPN’s actions.

Respectfully, I think there is a big difference between private citizens planning a protest and the government using valuable time and resources engaging in a stunt in order to score political points.

So if I’m at an event and Pence is there, all I have to do to get him to leave is to kneel? Shouldn’t this be on Lifehacker?

Well, aweful spellers at least!