
i’m going to go ahead and call this the worst comments ever on an av club article. who are all these people?

But as far as I remember he wasn’t even a Bernie Or Bust. Unless my memory is really betraying me, he reluctantly supported Hillary on the general election

I think Fantano is more a Bernie progressive than a centrist. During the 2016 election he definitely kept bringing up the “both sides are bad” argument but his criticisms of Hillary were always the same kind that Sanders supporters were making. At the same time, he is very accommodating of far right-wing

Honestly, I’m not the biggest fan of his either, although I do sometimes check out his reviews if I’ve already listened to the album because I think he has an interesting take, and I watched some of this other channel because I thought the meme reviews were funny. I do think the article makes a point about his

If you’re going to say something stupid, at least watch one of his videos before. The man is a Bernie style progressive liberal who has recently posted videos explaining his reluctance to say the n-word, even though he has a huge rap following that “is cool” if he used the word. Even then, the video isn’t about people

I still blame some AV Club commenter for linking me to Sam Hyde’s (funny if you incorrectly assume he’s a reasonable human being) fake TED Talk video and therefore requiring me to care when he was outed as a scumbag.

My personal problem with the piece is that the article doesn’t acknowledge at all the numerous times Fantano has identified himself as a feminist and his reviews that generally indicate leftwing ideology. Also, thatistheplan may indulge in some lowbrow humor but to indicate that it “endorses” racism is a faaaaar

As a follower of Fantano’s for years. I’m just going to have to point out how much of a reach this article is. To cite one video and two podcasts from a body of work including close to one thousand videos, it can be quite easy to cherry pick a few key problematic moments to build a reactionary article off of. The

Firstly, Fantano is about the least racist person you can find: he’s made a whole (serious) video about why he doesn’t use the n-word and even his wife is black.

This article is a definite hitpiece, Fantano has never aligned with the alt-right, and the “meme reviews” were definitely just catering to the popular memes on Twitter of the week. Any stances he took that would be considered “alt-right”, in the context of the actual videos, are blatantly satirical, and the article

It’s not too hard to understand the satiric tone of those thatistheplan videos. Fantano is a critic who spends a lot of time reading shit on the internet. When he picks on SJWs, it’s only because they tend to think in dogmatic cliches (his real target).

This is a garbage hitpiece. I thought the AV Club had better editing/research standards than this.

Hard to imagine individuals bickering over social media.


Their voters. Trump would salt the earth if removed from office and outright demand his slavish base stay home in 2018 and beyond.

They’re really, really weird. It’s great.

We call that the Before Times.

You ain’t first. You might as well be last.

Wait - there’s a lost Ed Wood movie?!? FANTASTIC! I can’t wait to get a look at it, even if it is porn. Edward is hands down one of my favorite directors.

I need this NOW. I just found out that it existed the other day by chance when I was doing something else and got bounced into Hertzfeldt’s twitter. I know he’s already done a run to qualify for the Oscars, so I’m hoping like hell the rest of us get to see it soon on VOD or Netflix like the last one.