
Are you implying that the reason for this health care bill the Republicans are pushing is $700b in military spending? Because while that is an outrageous sum of money and I agree with your frustrations about its appropriation, this ACA repeal would be pushed through regardless of any other spending measures. This is

This is what the American people voted for. It’s about time we got what is coming to us.

There are many, many, many opportunities available to rip the democrats the new one that they deserve. I don’t know why you’re trying to choose one which 100% of the party is voting in opposition to.

I don’t know what you went through, and I’m sorry if you had an unnecessarily tough childhood, but I think the ultimate lesson to take away here is that there is no point in looking back.. History is important for context, but trying to actually compensate or correct for the past results in nothing but a wasted

But, at the same time, considering what’s to come?
We really, really needed some casual cannibalism to lighten the mood.

The thing is he actually is an independent, in the sense that he’s an egotistical opportunist that will take whatever position is most convenient at the time. He used to be a registered Democrat for crap’s sake. I agree calling him an independent is normalizing him, but calling him a Republican did that too. Calling

No no, it’s okay, you’ll love it here. We don’t use Kinja.

It was definitely a good decision to portray it visually, because having Diane (or any human character) actually describe the sexiness of an animal would have been... a bit much for most viewers.

Speaking as a furry, it’s got crossover appeal, but I personally find the lack of tails a little offputting.

Seriously, but are you?

I appreciate that, and if you think you can make any sort of difference on this issue please do. I’ve looked at it and determined that, out all of all of the issues I’ve listed, this is the one that both matters the least and is the one I have the least impact over. I can’t imagine this is different for too many

So... you guys just want to be distracted by bullshit now, or do you know better and are somehow incapable of helping yourselves?

Bojack’s reaction to Tood being asexual was basically my reaction when I first learned about it and realized I was myself. ‘Really? Huh. That actually seems convenient. And I don’t have herpes.’ His statement later in that scene hit on one of biggest problem-areas that arises: Friendship is basically as close as

I can understand where you’re coming from, because I had the same feeling halfway through the episode. Something about the overly-exaggerated flashback scenes clashing with the more subtle modern-day drama between Bojack and Ed. But in the end that artificiality made everything hit even harder, with this biting

I think the only part of this episode that felt rushed was the scene where Ed flies. If they had kept that revelation and its consequences smaller it would have worked, but it went so big so fast and ended so abruptly that it never really felt like it happened at all. Like, perhaps if he just tried to fly off with

There’s this thing Bojack Horseman (the show) does, where it presents a particularly biting observation as a joke at first, and then reveals the true horrific consequences of that observation later... and still presents it as a joke. And somewhere along the way you realized it was never funny to begin with, but you

They don’t have the most immediately accessible catalog, just because there’s so much of it and they’ll frequently change up their style. They’re also an albums band, since a good deal of their appeal comes from unexpected sounds and bursts of creative experimentation.

I wasn’t expecting the show to continue with Todd’s asexuality this season, so that’s a pleasant surprise. It really catches me off guard. Suddenly I’m intrigued by every stupid nonsense thing he does and curious about what other characters must think of him... Is this what it feels like to have representation in a

I believe their point was that, on average, most actors will either be famous enough to play themselves or be cast as an animal. And to that extent, the larger problem isn’t that there are a lot of white people on Bojack, but that there are a lot of white people in Hollywood.

In this very first episode of season 4, near the beginning, the bovine waitress Todd accidentally gave an $8m tip to at the end of last season served his table while wearing an ostentatious cape and crown. I can’t speak for you, but I found that to be quite the rib-tickler.