
Is it too late to talk about the new Queens of the Stone Age album?

When I said it was biased I didn’t mean the editing made the Nazis look bad. I said the footage speaks for itself, they very clearly instigated violence and spread hate. That is all it shows though, it doesn’t show the full scope of events because there is an effort (admitted by the company distributing the video) to

Masks are necessary to protect against pepper spray and other chemical attacks. If you’re engaged in a conflict or drawing attention to yourself, yes, a mask is important to protect your body and your identity. But if you’re just protesting, part of the mass, you have no reason to fear doxxing. It’s simply not an

That’s simply reductive. There is no excuse for bully behavior and instigating violence. As amusing and empowering it may be to imagine shouting ‘fuck a Nazi’ as the new YOLO and then doing something irresponsible, the truth is that the only proper time to assault people is when they’re a threat to other people.

It is. But the last protest I went to, there were no Nazis to fight. And after an hour Antifa got bored and assault the police. Funny, that.

If you’re trying to lecture somebody about assumptions, you probably shouldn’t base your entire point around assumptions. As I have already stated, the video is not inaccurate, but there is also a reason to suspect it may have been edited with an agenda in mind (one that liberally accompanied the video post). A person

Do you feel like you’re accomplishing something by making me into your opposition? Are you frustrated because you can’t effectively communicate with the people you’re actually opposed to, so you’re settling with whatever conflict you can create? Or did you just see an opportunity for an immature insult you couldn’t

The video was ‘Assembled by subMedia, a video production ensemble that “aims to promote anarchist and anti-capitalist ideas, and aid social struggles through the dissemination of radical films and videos.”’ The editing is going to be biased. I’m not defending the Nazis, because they’re abhorrent people and the

Is there a food I can eat that will bring the AVClub comments back?

*sigh* This is what he was elected to do. This is what voters wanted him to do. This isn’t a surprise, this type of thing was a fucking campaign promise. If you don’t like it, go vote and convince other people to do the same. Oh, and instead of talking about him and his decision, let’s start profiling the people this

I’m glad to agree, I’ve always thought Episode 7 is the first one when the show really coalesces into it’s own thing. That said, I’ve yet to successfully sell any new viewers on the show after introducing them there, so maybe it is necessary to actually slog through the first six to get the proper context.


It doesn’t really matter which side is objectively worse here. The people and party that voted for and support Trump don’t care about the many corrupt things he’s done and will do, where as Democrats care a great deal about how corrupt the DNC is. There is nothing Meuller could find at this point that would lead to

I wouldn’t bet on Mueller. He’ll certainly uncover unsavory deals by Trump flunkies like Manafort, but I doubt he’ll connect anything to Trump himself. Also it looks like his investigation has transitioned towards the DNC as of late, so don’t be surprised if the results of his investigation are worse for the Democrats

I see it as comparing them to the quality to follow, but it’s hard to argue with the most cynical perspective.

I have a love/hate relationship with Harmony. I love that it gives me more animation, I hate that so often that animation looks cheap and rigid. It can be used to great effect (Rick and Morty has a fluid and energetic feel to it), but the worst offenders end up making the best look bad by bringing the program’s

‘“Hurts so good” might be a useful descriptor, did it not immediately conjure up unsavory and way-too-adult intimations of romantic ecstasy that I probably don’t want to associate with anthropomorphic cartoon rodents’ - Gooble Gobble Gooble Gobble, One Of Us... owo

Mattis said this wasn’t a problem, and in fact welcomed transgender people into service. I’ll take his side on this issue over anything coming out of Trump’s mouth, especially considering that changing things because of cost concerns is nonsensical when the costs have not been a concern for the better part of a decade.

It’s catchy and inoffensive, which means it has absolutely no impact towards how you feel about Taylor Swift one way or the other. It’s basically just throwing a water cooler out to Twitter and reminding people to talk about her again. If her name weren’t attached to it most people would never notice this song at all.

Era Vulgaris has the sound of a band desperate to try something new (I love that energy on the album), and with ...Like Clockwork Homme and the crew came back reborn. There are some vestiges in the middle of that album that cling to the old QOTSA, but that is certainly all left behind by the time the back third of the