
There’s so much raw emotion and experimentation on Past Life, it’s impossible to avert your attention from. Listening to it is one of those experiences that reminds you of the strength of vulnerability; it leaves you in awe because it feels more human than you do. Future’s Void is a concept album, and by that very

What, no Louise Belcher? No Finn the Human? No dead kid from Twin Peaks?

Oh man, as a kid I used to have a toy Flounder from Little Mermaid and would play in the sandbox like it was the seafloor... those were better times. Kinja hadn’t been coded yet. Those were the days.

Agreed, on both accounts, however the original Blade Runner didn’t exactly have a ground-breaking story either. It was elevated by themes and atmosphere. There’s a chance this story finds similar connections to modern-day fears about obsolescence and generational conflict.

Still aboard the hype train, but I’m starting to get a little concerned about how clean everything looks... A Blade Runner world that isn’t cluttered and claustrophobic feels wrong. Especially after Arrival seemed to capture that grungy style so well. Arrival was also extraordinarily good, so perhaps there’s no real

Maybe next time he should wear a hood.

Shoutouts to Clerks animated, My Little Pony, and Hannibal all in one article. I know I should be shocked at how ridiculous those three things appear when listed together, but really I’m just wondering why we couldn’t also cram Ash vs. Evil Dead into this mix too.

Sorry, that’s just because I finally got in through the account retrieval system.

Precisely. I understand pay inequality arguments for television actors, since they all share in the show's popularity, but when it comes to productions based on a singular entity's name they should be paid depending on how popular that name is. If Netflix wants to combat gender inequality by paying her more I'm all

That is the exact type of title I would expect to come out of an interview with Grizzly Bear.

It may be fake, but I'm inclined to give it a bit more credibility than Pizzagate considering what Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood came forward with last year.

That and so many people in Hollywood are involved in underground pedophilia organizations.

Hey, before everybody jumps to forlorn conclusions, I think this is a breakthrough!
This is the first Roman Polanski article where we all can agree on something.

… Yeah, you're sure proving who's the real toxin here. :/

I really want to see this as an origin story, starting with a thin little kid who slowly gets corrupted by the… lack of impulse control he has around cheetos.

It's not quite that bad, but it is still immature. He does have a good eye for color and form, and in the very least his techniques show he's studied a lot of art. It's nothing to put in a gallery, which I find offputting because his work is clearly only being displayed by merit of its creator and not its content.

You know he's someone's kid too right? And because kids are humans, they too will grow up to make horrible misguided mistakes that ruin other peoples' lives. Making a better world for all of us means finding better solutions to our problems than wishing fiery death upon others. And I say that as a person who despises

I wish. I really do wish we could go so easy on him, I don't want to destroy even Donald Trump. But his ego will not rest until it is soundly defeated.He can't have any appearance of power or authority left, or it will be exploited and corrupted. He has to go. Completely.

I respect where Kimmel is coming from, but I think the last thing we need (satirical or not) is Trump as a figurehead 'king' AND the GOP in charge of every level of government. Trump has a following, and as sickened as I feel saying this he simply hasn't been properly humiliated yet. He was a mistake. We need to make